Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Awww it's nice seeing what people look like. You're all beautiful by the way!!
I'll show my face at some point probably just need a little courage.


Well-known member
Well I notice other people have been brave enough to post multiple pics so I guess il slam another one . The pics crappy,I tried to fix it and made it worse::p: Anyway like most other people here I dont like my appearance but here you go ...

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Well-known member
this is the best picture i have of me without sunglasses. i just can't seem to take a photo without big bug sunglasses on.




Well-known member
Yes, DoA! You are a good looking man!

Infact-- everyone on this thread (excluding myself) is fabulous! XD

...I guess it's wrong of me to exclude myself- but for all of you who don't think you're beautiful, you know we understand the 'not wanting to like ourselves'.
Every single person is infact; wonderful.
Doesn't matter who contradicts that statement- they are wrong.


Anti - you look like you've got a naked person in front of you and you're all contemplating how to best draw them in a complimentary fashion, or something. beard is win as others said, keep meh-ing on the shaving. :rolleyes:

Kat - cute like always, no surprise there. :D

Well-known member
Anti - you look like you've got a naked person in front of you and you're all contemplating how to best draw them in a complimentary fashion, or something. beard is win as others said, keep meh-ing on the shaving. :rolleyes:

Kat - cute like always, no surprise there. :D

Aww thank you. :) :) Elek... wow :O haha..hmm


Well-known member
Blabla-- have you posted pictures of your tattoos before?
I keep seeing them but wanna see up close! Wee, tats!

...your work locker room looks a bit scary with the graffiti there... haha
Dig the paper hat, though! XD