Post your picture thread


Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Hi Alana,

While the photo you posted does look different to the photo Rigil posted, I still think that Rigil's photo shows a Laughing Kookaburra. There are four different species of Kookaburra (Laughing, Blue-winged, Spangled and Rufous-bellied) and there is a lot of variation in appearance between individual Kookaburras and/or between male and female kookaburras e.g. different feather and tail patterns, varying amounts of blue or complete lack of blue, different eye colour etc. Kookaburras often look dramatically different to one another when comparing photos, especially when the photos being compared have been taken in completely different circumstances.

Rigil's photo:


Some photos of some Laughing Kookaburras which look very similar to the bird in Rigil's photo:




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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

deers are so cute... i officially will never try venison

Thanks for the compliments everyone! I love nature pics!

As a side note:
I do hunt these gorgeous animals on my 20 acre property up North. I do for several reasons, and some many would disagree with me on, but I am going to say it anyway. I hunt them to keep the over populated deer herd healthy. Where my property is, there are too many deer, and in a bad winter they could starve to death. A weak deer is more susceptible to disease and when the populations are high like they are now, all it takes is one deer that has a disease that could potentially spread to others and could kill off the entire population. As much as I love to see them around, I could not stand the thought of never seeing them on my property. So I do hunt, and I do eat venison. If I had wolves in the area, I wouldn't need to hunt, because they do a way better job of "natural selection" than I would be able to. Other reasons to keep populations down are that we have too many car deer accidents, with allot of people being injured and vehicle repairs. Sorry if I offend anyone, which I am sure that I will. Like I said, I'm sorry.



Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

My sisters graduation. This was a few months ago. (yeah, her cap was on backwards, lol.)



Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Yes, to me one just looks like a zoo kookaburra i.e., bored to death and in the final stages of dementia ;P

The poor bird never made a sound while was there, which was quite a while.
Lots of bushes and benches to take a break from all the people.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Meow, why are you here in the Social Anxiety forum?
There is no way in hell that you have SA looking like that,
and I have to question why are you here. And then on top of that,
you look like you are at a bar or restaurant of some sort which
is a big NO NO for people with SA and Agoraphobia, So again
What is your real reason for being here? Are you trying to mock us?
If not, then what is your agenda here in the SA forum?

It's very unfair of you to judge Meow because of her looks! How can you accuse her of mocking everyone here or having an agenda? Would you have written the same things had you considered her ugly or unattractive? Do you somehow think good looks determine happiness? If so then you're just as shallow as the individuals whom many of the people on these forums complain about.

This is exactly the kind of behavior that makes pretty women feel anxious and afraid of people! This is exactly why I was afraid to post my picture in the first place. I saw a picture of Meow and I figured that if she has the courage to do it then I could post a pic of myself. Boy, was I wrong.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

You know what meow, obviously you are offended because I hit a nerve
but on the other hand if you read my posts very carefully, you
would see that what I am saying to you is not so much of an insult
but rather a compliment. Because basically I am saying is that
you are too pretty and you go out to restaurants too much to
have SA. People with Social Anxiety DO NOT GO OUT. And if they
do like myself, it's once in a while and it hurts them to go out. Or
they go out only in extreme emergency cases like their hungry
or something but other than that people with real SA do not go out
OR they are extremely nervous and self conscious and very
uncomfortable when they go out so they stay home like the rest
of this forum

Now I don't know you and I haven't read the rest of your posts but
to me it doesn't matter what you've written in the rest of your posts
I was just pointing out a fact and the fact is that people with SA
do not go outside or they are very uncomfortable around people
so they stay home. You are too pretty to have SA and you have
proven it by going to that restarant. That is something that most
people with SA would never do. Most people with SA do not have
friends and I bet you that you have friends. People with SA do not
go outside but you go to restarants AND OH MY GOD, YOU MODEL
case closed! You may be depressed but I don't think you
have SA. There is a big difference between depression and SA

Oh well meow I am not trying to insult you so forgive me if
you think I am but I am just pointing out a fact. The fact is that
I don't think you have SA. But anyways whatever your agenda
here is, I guess I should mind my business and worry
about my own problems. I need to try and cure my SA
and my Agoraphobia which I truly know I have

Jesus Christ! It's like high school all over again. "You're not as damaged as me, You don't have it as hard as I do, You don't know what it's like, You have nothing to complain about...."


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

F*** it! I'm going to post a picture of myself! I just don't know how to do it. Can anyone tell me how I can post pics using PhotoBucket? Thanks.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

F*** it! I'm going to post a picture of myself! I just don't know how to do it. Can anyone tell me how I can post pics using PhotoBucket? Thanks.

If you don't have a photobucket account, you'll need to sign up, it's really quick. Or If you do just ignore the first bit lol.

There are options to upload an image or several at one time on your photobucket page.

Once your image(s) have been uploaded, you'll want to be on the main page where your images are kept -
If you put your cursor over the pic you want on photobucket it should give you 4 link codes that appear in a box below, you want the last one, the "IMG code".

I think this forum automatically lets the image become visable in your post when you copy and paste the code, but you can always do a preview post to be sure.

Alternatively, Just copy the direct url and put
on either end without the spaces.
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