Post your last dream (during sleep)


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All I remember is thinking to myself "I don't want to see my dad", then he appears walking in front of me and I screamed angrily, which woke me up for a second.


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Suprisingly, yet another girl found her way into my dreams tonight..I wonder if there's a special GPS ordering them to get there..?


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i had a dream that i was the pink power ranger and was in some competition against the other power rangers
it was epic


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I dreamt i was hugging and kissing a ghost and i tried to scream and wake up but couldnt at first, it took me three tries and i suddenly shouted out lol


Active member
i was working in the library with my computer when a girl i know in my real life class knocked on the door and came in to study with me for english which we have together. she's really cute but doesn't talk much. wish it would really happen.


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This morning, someone on my Facebook (who also has social anxiety) came to visit me.

I can only remember bits and pieces of it. One was that my grandmother (the only one is I still have, but my family has no contact with her), she was taking going with us, for some reason.

A weird thing, was that we were going to a place that was in another dream I had (this was at least a year ago) and a place my Dad went hunting or something. I'll explain that later. I don't think we went there though.

Another part is that it was nightime, and somewhere in Halifax at a busy intersection, I had a view from across the way, some cars were stopped for a red light, and my grandmothers car was in front. She gets out of her car, while the cars were stopped at the intersection, and was walking around, looool. She wouldn't do that in real life, she not that crazy, as a matter of fact, she isn't crazy at all, except for in my dream.

So, the other dream I had a year ago, about my father going hunting with someone, was on an island, and he was going with someone we used to know who lives in Newfoundland. We used to be neighbors, but he moved to NewFoundland to be with his family.

We could only get there by boat, and we had to going trough some awful tarrein and climb over walls.

In real life, my family went to visit him, soon after he moved. It was in September, 2001. My Sister didn't go, becuase she was in Switzerland as an exchange student for awhile. We went to this cabin, and went there by boat, it was by the water. It was nothing like in my dream.

The part where my grandmother gets out of her car at in intersection, reminds me of this crazy lawyer who accused my Mother and Sister of making her crash a cement wall (highway devider) (which never happened) and chased them to the next town in her car. I wasn't with them, but they in Fall River and we at a red light (just before pulling into the parking lot where she confronted them). At the red light, she gets out of her car, while the cars were waiting for the light the change, walks over to my Mom's car and yells at her to pull into the parking lot.

That woman was crazy, there wasn't any demage done to her car, and she insisted to my Mom that there was. My sister took pictures. She almost cuased a few accidents, it was like something out of a movie! It was just my Mom and my Sister in the car.

She even called up her insurance and my Mom's insurance to tell them that there was in accident and her car was damaged, looool. Nothing came out of it though, they notified my Mom's insurance and she told them what happened.


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I had a dream, that I started a new school somewhere in the United States, becuase my family had moved for some reason.

The first part, was long and it was me driving and trying to find a parking spot and it was during a big snow storm. I think school would've been canclelled in this much snow.

When I got to the classroom, everthing was fine at first. I had to tell the teacher my name, becuase it wasn't at the first of the school year. I got along with a few girls that were seated at the same table I was.

After a little while, the teacher gave me a piece of paper with some math on it and then the teacher kept giving me a hard time with everything i was doing, becuase it wasn't right, even so much as turning to paper to make a line with a ruler.

I eventually got fed up, and left. I went to the "office" or something, and someone there told me to have a seat. I said "where?" and she was rude, and said something like "Do I look like a guide?" or something like that. Behind her, on the otherside of the room, was a big table with a lot of chairs, and there was a tablet PC on the table at every seat. Each one had teachers name and what they taught, so I had to go around and find the one with the teacher I had.

Sometimes later, I was up looking at a bullitin board with some people. I didn't feel fair at the school, becuase I wasn't being treated fair. I thought to myself, the reason they were mean, was becuase they were used to trouble makers, and they thought I was being dirrent to cuase trouble, but I was just different, becuase I have Autism/Asperger's Syndrome. I told someone they should be trained to deal with Autism. I decided to leave to school, and hesitated to even go get my stuff.

I walked back down towards the classroom, go get stuff out of my locker. On the way there, I've seen the girls that were at the table in the classroom, and decided to go see them. It was nice the see a familiar face, and someone who did like me. I went into the gym after they did to say hello, but they didn't seem to care about my presense, so I left and headed towards my locker. I got some things and left.