post what it says for your name on urban dictionary


Well-known member
search your name and post the first thing that comes up Urban Dictionary, March 6: yardsale

this is mine:


A formidable foe to normal people. intelligent, strong forceful. a weird hybrid of a bully and a nerd. As well as the first dictator of the America and king of the new peaceful world. Also known as Timebomb and various other variations including at least TB.
I am David. All other David's fall in march as we conquer the world. For a new Earth of peace void of general stupidity.

johnny 85

Well-known member
John 4307 up, 1821 down love it hate it

a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..
not persistant.
changes moods easily; moody.
greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..
(im not moody :mad: )
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Well-known member

A name for the most awesome girl ever. A girl who is constantly thinking about others and never herself. Good looking, kind, selfless, and funny. Loves surrounding herself with close friends and always enjoys life.
Stacey is the epitome of class and good taste.

This makes me sound good so i'm not gonna disagree with this one ::p:

But this one on the other hand:

Dumb, comes from a trailer trash-alcoholic family, low-budget, barely graduates high school because she came to school drunk everyday, has kids to try to trap a man (and never even got him!), never really wanted to be a PARENT, loves alcohol more than anything in the entire world! Looks 30 years older than she actually is because all she does is smokes cigs and drinks and thinks she looks good ("thinks" is the key word), always wants to be in control of everything and bossy at that. Can't keep a man, and no man wants to be with someone like that, especially with drama and baggage. Will die and old hag!
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Well-known member

Janette is the name bestowed upon the most amazing, delectable and awesome female human beings. It is a word that can also be used to describe awe of the female kind.

And under that it went on to say

janette = hooker
as in prostitute

johnny 85

Well-known member

Janette is the name bestowed upon the most amazing, delectable and awesome female human beings. It is a word that can also be used to describe awe of the female kind.

And under that it went on to say

janette = hooker
as in prostitute

hey, at least you were nt called this (greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth)


Well-known member
Mine is Curt:

To pull a curt, is to say the most inappropriate thing yoo possibly could, to a female and make her question your friendship... unintentually.
guy: hey
girl: hii...
girl: omg! yoo so look like the type of guy to have had a fair amount of girlfriends!
guy: are you calling me pimp..?! do you see me as some kind of man-whore?!
girl: what..? no!
guy: you know what... just go!

(the guy will keep this up, thinking its purely a joke...
but unintentually hurting the girls feelings. i.e pulling a curt)


Well-known member
:eek::eek::eek::eek: going through some names i see there is alot of stuff that aren't very appropriate for this forum.
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Apparently I'm gay and a douche bag. It seems another person with my name pissed off someone :\


Well-known member
Heres some of what it said for my name Lance. I think I like the pirate one best;)

1. An alpha male. Highly respected, a great and loyal friend. Has a hard exterior, yet an insight about life beyond others. Rarely lets people see him be vulnerable, he hides his kind heart from most people, for protection.

2. A crazy pirate. He goes after the booty and gets it.

1. An alpha male. Highly respected, a great and loyal friend. Has a hard exterior, yet an insight about life beyond others. Rarely lets people see him be vulnerable, he hides his kind heart from most people, for protection.

2. A man who has been through unbelievable troubles in his life, yet still manages to live through the days. A fighter, an achiever.


Well-known member
Aimee is beautiful and kind. Loved by many. Also hated by many.
she gets plenty of attention from the boys.
She prefers to stay with someone for a long time. she doesnt fall in love easily but when she does it lasts and she really loves them. Alot of the girls are jealous of the boys she gets or loves, because they all really like the boy. But the boy is head over heels with her and only wants her

Aimee is a bubbily and funny person. She can be very ditzy though alot of the time. and she day dreams all the time! She isnt close to many people but she is a true friend.
A bit of a b*tch at times but she is super sexy and intelligent but she is extremelly clumsy!!
i hate aimee.
she stole the boy i love
ooh. i know she always gets the best ones!


EDIT: funnily enough, some of this is true! Like being ditzy, and a true friend, and kind? i like to think i am. And i DO fall in love easily, and would love to stay with them for a long time. I'm clumsy yes lol, and i do daydream all the time!!!
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"Danny 1659 up,517 down love it hate it

Danny can be defined by 5 words;funny, cute, unique, impressive, & huggable.
Danny's are people you can't help but love.& who could turn down a danny

"man, did you see that danny?! i'm sooo going home with him tonight!""


Andrea comes from the Latin meaning "Womanly" or "Beautiful Lady". She is steadfast and confident,honest and reliable.A tower of strenth for thoughs she cares for and a rock to the family

Meaning "princess"-often leo's or cancers. Very athletic and amazingly hot.And almost everyone has bown hair.


1. "The sound that comes from a horny rat. Sometimes it is also called by hyperactive little boys when attacking innocent bystanders."

a; (adj) To be generally bad, low grade, ****.

b; (noun) An isult similar to loser, idiot, or pussyhole.

c; (noun) A friend, specificaly a fellow road man or urban brotha.

3."word for retarded homosexual men"

Don't I feel love... Q_Q

catherine is an acronym for clearly a truly hot example regarding immortal necrophiliac elves.
"that girl over there is so catherine right now"


code name for cocaine, but personifies the word.


Unequivocally uncool, usually a rotund woman who makes annoying cackling goose calls at her muy pequeño television set while watching reruns of Roseanne. She usually drives a minivan and works in radio.
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
here's one, hmmm, someone pissed this guy off good!

An- at - first- attractive looking, nice sweet playing innocent girl, but once you get involved with her you will slowly realize she is nothing but a trick hoe bitch that will play with your heart and mind untill you are left a jelly filled skull and a black dark heart. She loves to hate espcially on thoes who love her. She is a chronic liar and lies even when she doesn't know she is lying.

Her nature is to feel loved and once she is, she rejects you because shes had her fix or boost to continue to corrupt another soul. She truly seeks revenge even if she doesn't know it. DO NOT Look her directly in the eyes or you will turn into stone. She will haunt you in your sleep and steal your spirit.
EMILY= Human Plague on humanity
here's one, hmmm, someone pissed this guy off good!

An- at - first- attractive looking, nice sweet playing innocent girl, but once you get involved with her you will slowly realize she is nothing but a trick hoe bitch that will play with your heart and mind untill you are left a jelly filled skull and a black dark heart. She loves to hate espcially on thoes who love her. She is a chronic liar and lies even when she doesn't know she is lying.

Her nature is to feel loved and once she is, she rejects you because shes had her fix or boost to continue to corrupt another soul. She truly seeks revenge even if she doesn't know it. DO NOT Look her directly in the eyes or you will turn into stone. She will haunt you in your sleep and steal your spirit.
EMILY= Human Plague on humanity

now now dont be negative,


she is such a nice person she makes Princess Diana look like Hitler.
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