Pix that make you laugh :)


Well-known member
It seems like neglect in the first place... and that the parents 1. took pics of the kid's humiliating moment and 2. shared them with other people to shame him are red flags. The pic's sad...

Sorry I am bent on this... maybe I am too serious.
It seems like neglect in the first place... and that the parents 1. took pics of the kid's humiliating moment and 2. shared them with other people to shame him are red flags. The pic's sad...

Sorry I am bent on this... maybe I am too serious.

I'm not too sure how common it is exactly, so I won't make any speculations about that.

But I do remember reading a thread/article (I can't for the life of me remember where and when) that was about special needs children, some of which developed a fascination/obsession with their own faeces. Going to the extent of them playing with it, when the parents weren't looking.

The parents that were discussing their experiences there and seemed to take it (mostly) in stride and as part of what is to be expected. Some even making mention of finding it on the ceiling.

Without context it's hard to say, but this could technically be one of those cases.
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Well-known member
It seems like neglect in the first place... and that the parents 1. took pics of the kid's humiliating moment and 2. shared them with other people to shame him are red flags. The pic's sad...

Sorry I am bent on this... maybe I am too serious.

I think the only reason the parent shared this was because the child's face wan't in view, not to humiliate. It's just something some kids do, and all kids so crazy stuff! It's not that they do it because they plan to make a mess, it's that they maybe were taking a nap, and perhaps pooped and didn't like the sensation of it in the diaper, and took the diaper off, and then was like "oh, what is that IN the diaper" and then picked it up, it got on their hands so they think "oh let's wipe this off" and so rubbed it on the dresser. accidentally stepped in it, walked around, played awhile and then feel back asleep. It was a learning experience for the child. It's one of those moments where a parent has to laugh, or else they would cry! It's a total stinking mess! Parenting is messy, and yes, I laughed, really hard! (probably because this isn't my kid!) This child is too young to know better. There are cases of older kids doing it in schools, those are more likely special needs kids, but little kids like this do crazy things like this all the time. Luckily I have never had my kids do this sort of thing (at least to this degree!)
I wouldn't call this neglect at all. He is obviously in his own room, it appears clean, without choking hazards etc. Even parents have to take a shower at some times! You can't be glued to your kids 24/7, sometimes for your own sanity you have to be in the next room (or sleeping yourself.) These things happen, and seeing the humor in them is just a way people cope.


Well-known member
@Lavinialuna Thanks for the clarity... after you posted it I Googled it to see if it is normal... no matter which way you look at it, it's disturbing and you can't unsee it LOL With that... Happy Mother's Day!


Well-known member
@Lavinialuna Thanks for the clarity... after you posted it I Googled it to see if it is normal... no matter which way you look at it, it's disturbing and you can't unsee it LOL With that... Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks, lol! After 5 I suppose I have grown numb to the horror, haha!


Well-known member
5 wow! Are you Mormon? :)



Well-known member
Is this normal??? (I don't have kids) Does this really happen? This never happened in my family...

Over 3-4 yrs its very ABnormal (its call fecal play if you have a need to look it up ;)) - its a sign of a psychologically disturbed child, abuse, neglect autism, delayed disability, lots of things.

under around 3 yrs old is considered "normal" by child psychologists. Kids that young haven't developed a disgust of human excrement yet, and just see it as another play thing. When parents handle the situation poorly or incorrectly, and freak out or go overboard in talking to the kid about it too much, the child knows they can get attention from doing it again, so they will.

If it happens more than maybe 2 or 3 times in any age - that suggests a poor parenting to me - parents either haven't address the kids needs PRIOR to the act, or haven't dealt with the situation appropriately after the act.

When psychologists say its "normal" that doesn't mean its common. This isn't something every kid does (spoke to my cousin about it, shes worked in childcare centres / nannying for 30 years and shes only seen it once or twice).
^ Exactly! :applause:

I wouldn't even know how to react to it.. It's carpeting too I believe. Christ.

I think I would just stoically stare at it for a few seconds, and then spontaneously drop dead to the floor. Like, legitimately dead. Just gone.
^I lol'd :bigsmile:

I have had to clean that up once, although it was only on the cot frame and mattress.......and curious little hands. :bigsmile:
If they are quite young as Lavinialuna said, they just don't know any better. Everything has to be explored! lol :eek:h: