Pix that make you laugh :)


Well-known member

hahaha , this really made me laugh hard

sometime i really wish i had a cat , those creatures are really funny , but i would have to ask my bird first


Well-known member
Ragecomics are so good. I have an idea for a long one myself but I just need the motivation to complete it.



Well-known member
BAHA! So true.. although pic #1 is possible if you take 'roids :p
That's gross anyway... why would a girl want to look like that?? I'd sure as hell die happy if I could look like #2, even if for one day or second.

In those competition you are not allowed to any drugs. It's their diet and training that makes them like that. They can train for about 8 hours a day.
to be honest I don't find unattractive but I would prefer number two as well. I'm a guy and I wouldn't even want to look like that myself