Minority Report (content racially contentious)
I wonder if subconsciously, I can rely on looks to offset a lack of confidence with the other sex. I know that women can get away with this alot more....they just need to look attractive and wait at the appropriate spot for the guys to make the moves...I mean, from the photo gallery, there are some really hot girls out there with SA, my guess; go to the pub, and bring a stick to fight them off with
continually comparing looks, source of continual low self esteem or fleeting and shallow self esteem (vanity). It's easier to do when you are an ethnic minority (like being white in Asia) where you can equate your difference with superiority. Its not healthy though, and foreigners that rely on this in Asia for self esteem may find it impossible to leave. Its not made easier by continually hearing "oh, you're so handsome" -> "ni hen swai", which is Taiwanese culture; self modesty and generous compliments. I remember the first time I was third party hearing it said to another foreigner by an attractive Taiwanese girl... so deflated.
Why do they like Western looking guys so much?? Long noses, bad hair, hairy limbs, pale pasty skin. 8O I think Beckham has had an influence.
Many Asians persue fairer complexion with skin products, surgery to introduce "nose bridges" to stop glasses slipping and eyelids surgically made. The white factor is the same as feudal Europe, where the upper class would be plotting assinations or orgies inside the castle while the majority commoners toiled in their fields, plotting how they were going to make dinner four four from one potato and one arm MIA somewhere in Wales. White was class, brown peasantry. So it was in China and Japan. Anyone see the white gieshas? Surgery is apparantly absolutely huge in South Korea. Ironically, they all have it done, and look the same anyway. This is kind of subscribing to Western ideas of beauty? Then they try and differentiate their looks with coloured contacts and hair, as there aren't genetic differences in hair or eye colouration.
Anyone else an ethic minority in another country, where they consider the differences to be beauty? What is that like? How does it affect your ego? What are the most attractive ethinicinities? (spelling?) Why?