Personal Attraction/Attraction in general


Well-known member
It's not superficial at all, i have met some amazing guys in my life, but i have never thought of them as boyfriend material. For me, if i'm not attracted to them pysically then no matter how amazing they are i could'nt make a realationship work.

I know it just feels like it sometimes. And I think that attitude affects me in a negative way because I feel like most girls think that way so when I meet an awesome girl I always assume I have no chance. Maybe my standards are too high but i believe most girls im attracted to would no feel the same way about me since I am overweight so i dont ever talk to them and never approach them. I guess this means self-confidence is key in most walks of life.


Well-known member
I know what you mean, i do feel bad when i meet a really nice guy, he has an attraction toward me but i dont feel the same, it makes me feel superficial and cruel. I'm the same as you, i know for a fact that most guys i would find attractive would have absolutely no interest in me at all, you just have to keep it in your head that we all have different tastes, just because one or two people might reject you, that doesn't make you unattractive or worthless, Confidence is most definitely the key, but building that up is easier said than done sometimes!


Well-known member
just because one or two people might reject you, that doesn't make you unattractive or worthless, Confidence is most definitely the key, but building that up is easier said than done sometimes!

I really appreciate that input. While I have never thought i was worthless when being rejected, that is an adjective i have used to describe myself on many occassions. I definately think it is key to realize that different people have different preferences in looks or attractions because i am so used to applying previous rejections of other girls to the mentality of the girl i may be interested in. If that even makes any sense at all.
I think there's several components to it, physically atrractive (symmetry, 'averageness', novelty..), personality/character, novelty, that person finding you attractive, 'power' (for women, I think guys perceived as strong or powerful is part of attraction)..

But sometimes I think that if you can make the other person feel good about himself or herself, he or she can feel attracted to you? (I say this from personal exp... My friend all but confessed that if there were not some unfortunate circumstances, she'd like to be more than friends)


Sadly looks mean everything to most people, humans are superficial shallow bastards and that's why I hate them.

looks mean everything to males. it means very little to most females.

not to be arrogant but i've been told i'm goodlooking by many people. I also have severe social anxiety. guess what...i've never had a gf in my life. every male i know whos in a relationship is worse looking than me. i also have no female friends. i repel girls...why? because i'm socially awkward and quiet.

Imagine your typical quiet male with social phobia...what does he look like? a dweeb right? Now replace him with someone with the exact same personality traits but well dressed and good looking. do you honestly think this guy is attractive to girls? again, not to sound full of myself but I'm that guy and i can tell you for a fact that he isn't.


Well-known member
Yeah,in my experience it definetely matters maybe the same or even more to girls,not all of course.


You cannot cay that for certain. Some people know what it's like at both ends of the spectrum.

You mean like the people who looked amazing then got hit by a truck or something and the people who were rich and lost it all? Or vice versa (ugly ducklings blossoming and bums winning the lottery I guess?)


Vice versa. People who used to get called ugly and made to feel ugly. People who from time to time still feel ugly no matter how good looking they are. Do you yourself not feel ugly even if you are actually very good looking? Someone just recently said that I was an "ugly pretty" and that I have an ugly smile. Sure, it validates that I think I have a retarded looking smile or that although I think I'm attractive, I don't see how people could think of me as beautiful. It's all subjective.

My family and people at school pretty much permanently programmed me to feel ugly. Bullies at school made me feel hideous for a lot of reasons, so has my family with their extreme homophobia and always comparing me with my sister. I can't remember ever being satisfied with or accepting how I look. I've never thought of myself as good-looking... not even remotely. I wish I could, but I really do see myself as ugly and I think others do too (regardless of what they may say now)
I know how you feel.
But you are beautiful, Serafina :)


Now people are saying that bullies actually have an over-inflated self-esteem rather than low self-esteem and this is why they pick on people they deem inferior. One has to wonder why it is that some people are compelled to make others feel bad about themselves.

So your family does not accept you because you are homosexual? That's really ****ed up. I remember watching talk shows where mothers would introduce their sons who were gay and liked to dress in drag and I remember thinking that I would love and accept my child no matter what. Some of these women were crying because their sons liked to don makeup and women's clothes. I didn't see the big deal. Would they rather their son be straight and maybe a rapist or a woman-beater? Or perhaps a pedophile as long as he dresses in regular clothes?

I know what it's like to hold my newborn child and feeling an immense love for her. Don't your parents remember what it was like when you were first born? What it was like to hold you for the first time? We all **** up. Parenting is not an easy task so I'm not going to try and judge your parents, but I don't understand how a person cannot cherish their child for everything that they are. Maybe they just don't express their love the way that you would be most beneficial to you. Who knows? Maybe we feel the way we feel because we didn't feel loved while we were growing up, but that doesn't mean that our families don't love us.

I hope that one day you will be able to see how handsome you truly are.

Actually my parents don't even know, I've had to live a lie my whole life because they come from a completely different background and they are incapable of understanding. They hate gay people with a passion, and they would quite literally kill me if they found out. In Cuba gays were sent to concentration camps and executed.
I know my parents will never love me and I've come to terms with it.

Thank you for your kind words though. You sound like the mother I've always wished I had.


Active member
I try not to start a relationship based on what society deems "attractive", because that interpretation of beauty is so warped it’s un-friggin-believable.

Is it important for someone to personally be attracted to their partner? Of course.

But personality is SOOOOOOOO much more important. I'd rather be with someone who complemented me emotionally and mentally than some hot hunk of manly goodness who had the personality of a turnip.

I'm just sayin'....


Well-known member
I try not to start a relationship based on what society deems "attractive", because that interpretation of beauty is so warped it’s un-friggin-believable.

Is it important for someone to personally be attracted to their partner? Of course.

But personality is SOOOOOOOO much more important. I'd rather be with someone who complemented me emotionally and mentally than some hot hunk of manly goodness who had the personality of a turnip.

I'm just sayin'....

well that is good to hear and i wish i could meet girls like you where i live but unfortunately it seems as if other things are more important.


Well-known member
I find as I get older, I'm not as picky as I was when I was younger, which is a good thing because I can't really afford to be.

Not that I'm actually picking anyone. Attraction is torture. You see all of this pretty people and you can't have or even interact with any of them.

Initially attraction begins with the physical appearance of someone (Unless it's some online thing. Of course once pictures are exchanged, it's possible that interests will wane, as it has). Pure and Simple. And then you go from there.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Attraction is based on a set of physical, emotional, and personal criteria. Each person holds a certain standard that must be met by the potential partner before the mind will consider taking the chance to make the link for attraction. There are also personal thoughts that will measure what the likelihood will be. Naturally a low self-esteem will cause this factor of success chance to decrease. Sometimes even to the point where the person will simply give up and not bother at all.
Girls judge me on my confidence. They're to quick to have an opinion. This sucks. Rarely are attractive girls really look into my heart.

EXACTLY! Girls like qualities in men which spell success and if you don't have those you are out the door most of the time. Supposing you have these qualities, then you need to have the persona characteristics which any particular girl find appealing, in order to be successful.
Don't forget the term "opposites attract"? Some people find they are always attracted to someone who has character traits that they admire, but lack in themselves.