Super Moderator
Sadly looks mean everything to most people, humans are superficial shallow bastards and that's why I hate them.
And once again I agree with you
Sadly looks mean everything to most people, humans are superficial shallow bastards and that's why I hate them.
It's not superficial at all, i have met some amazing guys in my life, but i have never thought of them as boyfriend material. For me, if i'm not attracted to them pysically then no matter how amazing they are i could'nt make a realationship work.
I think, I'm going to print this out and show it to my shrinkI really appreciate when girls are honest like this.
just because one or two people might reject you, that doesn't make you unattractive or worthless, Confidence is most definitely the key, but building that up is easier said than done sometimes!
Sadly looks mean everything to most people, humans are superficial shallow bastards and that's why I hate them.
You cannot cay that for certain. Some people know what it's like at both ends of the spectrum.
Vice versa. People who used to get called ugly and made to feel ugly. People who from time to time still feel ugly no matter how good looking they are. Do you yourself not feel ugly even if you are actually very good looking? Someone just recently said that I was an "ugly pretty" and that I have an ugly smile. Sure, it validates that I think I have a retarded looking smile or that although I think I'm attractive, I don't see how people could think of me as beautiful. It's all subjective.
Now people are saying that bullies actually have an over-inflated self-esteem rather than low self-esteem and this is why they pick on people they deem inferior. One has to wonder why it is that some people are compelled to make others feel bad about themselves.
So your family does not accept you because you are homosexual? That's really ****ed up. I remember watching talk shows where mothers would introduce their sons who were gay and liked to dress in drag and I remember thinking that I would love and accept my child no matter what. Some of these women were crying because their sons liked to don makeup and women's clothes. I didn't see the big deal. Would they rather their son be straight and maybe a rapist or a woman-beater? Or perhaps a pedophile as long as he dresses in regular clothes?
I know what it's like to hold my newborn child and feeling an immense love for her. Don't your parents remember what it was like when you were first born? What it was like to hold you for the first time? We all **** up. Parenting is not an easy task so I'm not going to try and judge your parents, but I don't understand how a person cannot cherish their child for everything that they are. Maybe they just don't express their love the way that you would be most beneficial to you. Who knows? Maybe we feel the way we feel because we didn't feel loved while we were growing up, but that doesn't mean that our families don't love us.
I hope that one day you will be able to see how handsome you truly are.
I try not to start a relationship based on what society deems "attractive", because that interpretation of beauty is so warped it’s un-friggin-believable.
Is it important for someone to personally be attracted to their partner? Of course.
But personality is SOOOOOOOO much more important. I'd rather be with someone who complemented me emotionally and mentally than some hot hunk of manly goodness who had the personality of a turnip.
I'm just sayin'....
I know Jesus has a christian female bodybuilder wife for me.Girls judge me on my confidence. They're to quick to have an opinion. This sucks. Rarely are attractive girls really look into my heart.
Girls judge me on my confidence. They're to quick to have an opinion. This sucks. Rarely are attractive girls really look into my heart.