Has dispuzzled the puzzled. (it's word because I say it is)
I'm not sure who his/her avatar is. But it's cool.
Sial's is, yes. The Mouth of Sauron. It's yours I don't know.Sometimes uses words that I don't understand
It's the creppy character who announces frodo's death to the fellowship in front of mordor's gate at the end ::
It's the creppy character who announces frodo's death to the fellowship in front of mordor's gate at the end ::
Sial's is, yes. The Mouth of Sauron. It's yours I don't know.
Then loses his head. Ahk, best scene, best character. Too short.
Because I take my time thinking I must resort to ...
Is over my head.
So true haha
But now I think I'm f***ing up this thread by talking about random things.
I'll stop now sorry.
Well it's my upper face lol