People that drive you literally crazy

I have a particular family member in my life, who is constantly around without any end in sight, and he literally makes me want to punch a wall every time I'm around him. Like it's a million little things, and many big things, and his lack of regard for anyone else and lack of self-awareness make me blow up about once a month and then I seem like the crazy person!!!

Do any of you have a person like this that is so subtly or blatantly infuriating that they make you feel like you have an anger problem? i'm not like this towards anyone else, but the mere presence of this person just makes me wanna scream and is instantly able to put me in a foul mood. How do you cope with a person like this?


Well-known member
my mom is the only person who really makes me want to do bad things. She can never say anything positive about me or anything I've done. Not even 4 years in the navy, she never said she was proud of me. Everything she tells me to do, she never says it in a nice way. She's mean to me and I don't get it.


Well-known member
there are a few people who i find to be completely ignorant, stupid, loud, etc etc and they just make me want to sit them down and tell them how much they suck at life.... but they're even the type of people who don't even listen or care when someone disagrees or tells them they're wrong, haha... anyway, i generally just 'out' people i can't stand.. i haven't talked to those few people in forever and i don't really plan to, if we're ever in the same places, i just kind of politely ignore them and don't waste my time or energy on them, haha...

i guess it sucks if it's a family member or someone you just can't escape from, you just have to learn not to let them occupy any space in your head, lol..

Silvox Black

Well-known member
My mother is the one who would match such a description. Coping with her however, and coping with the person you describe seem to be two separate matters. May I inquire as to precisely who bothers you so greatly?
My mother is the one who would match such a description. Coping with her however, and coping with the person you describe seem to be two separate matters. May I inquire as to precisely who bothers you so greatly?

It's my brother, who is 26, engaged to a total waste of space (who also lives at our house about 4 out of 7 days at least). He's the type of person who you look at and just think, "wtf is wrong with you". There's seriously a screw loose. The situation is just so ****ed up, they are here ALL THE TIME. Claiming their going to Hawaii on their honeymoon, buying rings that cost thousands of dollars when neither of them has a job and they've been living back home, rent-free, for about five months and they owe my parents money.

I am practically a live in maid (as I should be), and straighten up the house, do at least a full sink load of dishes a day, dust and vacuum once a week etc....he'll do a load of laundry or two, do a few plates, and spend 15 minutes picking the house up ONCE A WEEK and he wants a ****ing cookie. He'll claim he "spent two hours CLEANING the house" so he "doesn't want to see dishes in the sink." He's totally oblivious to the fact that I do this every day, and MORE, including his ****ing laundry.

How do you not let this situation piss you off??

And unfortunately I cannot move out at this point...I am 23, a recent college grad, do not have a job yet and it will take a while to save up for a place.
And yeah, I forgot to mention that he regularly calls me a "****" and a "bitch" because that's how he sees anyone who calls him out on his bull****.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
It's my brother, who is 26, engaged to a total waste of space (who also lives at our house about 4 out of 7 days at least). He's the type of person who you look at and just think, "wtf is wrong with you". There's seriously a screw loose. The situation is just so ****ed up, they are here ALL THE TIME. Claiming their going to Hawaii on their honeymoon, buying rings that cost thousands of dollars when neither of them has a job and they've been living back home, rent-free, for about five months and they owe my parents money.

I am practically a live in maid (as I should be), and straighten up the house, do at least a full sink load of dishes a day, dust and vacuum once a week etc....he'll do a load of laundry or two, do a few plates, and spend 15 minutes picking the house up ONCE A WEEK and he wants a ****ing cookie. He'll claim he "spent two hours CLEANING the house" so he "doesn't want to see dishes in the sink." He's totally oblivious to the fact that I do this every day, and MORE, including his ****ing laundry.

How do you not let this situation piss you off??

And unfortunately I cannot move out at this point...I am 23, a recent college grad, do not have a job yet and it will take a while to save up for a place.

He is the epitome of the spoiled brat according to how you've described him. Understandably it must be simply infuriating to have to deal with such a fool. However you must realize that he is at heart, ill prepared for the realities of life. He requires a good slap to the face and a kick upside the head. Is there anything you or your parents could do perhaps? Throw him out to the street for a day or cut financial support? I'm throwing out ideas since I'm not versed in your family's situation, so I apologize if some of my suggestions seem off or crude.


Well-known member
It's funny how you mentioned that because I family member I don't really like came over. I just took the car and drove somewhere else and came back a few hours later hoping he is gone. I purposely don't attend certain or most family gathers not because of SA but I don't get along with tons of relatives. Too judgmental.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
It's funny how you mentioned that because I family member I don't really like came over. I just took the car and drove somewhere else and came back a few hours later hoping he is gone. I purposely don't attend certain or most family gathers not because of SA but I don't get along with tons of relatives. Too judgmental.

Such damnable circumstances, what a shame. You have a family of bigots then? If you pardon my saying so...

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
It's my brother, who is 26, engaged to a total waste of space (who also lives at our house about 4 out of 7 days at least). He's the type of person who you look at and just think, "wtf is wrong with you". There's seriously a screw loose. The situation is just so ****ed up, they are here ALL THE TIME. Claiming their going to Hawaii on their honeymoon, buying rings that cost thousands of dollars when neither of them has a job and they've been living back home, rent-free, for about five months and they owe my parents money.

I am practically a live in maid (as I should be), and straighten up the house, do at least a full sink load of dishes a day, dust and vacuum once a week etc....he'll do a load of laundry or two, do a few plates, and spend 15 minutes picking the house up ONCE A WEEK and he wants a ****ing cookie. He'll claim he "spent two hours CLEANING the house" so he "doesn't want to see dishes in the sink." He's totally oblivious to the fact that I do this every day, and MORE, including his ****ing laundry.

How do you not let this situation piss you off??

And unfortunately I cannot move out at this point...I am 23, a recent college grad, do not have a job yet and it will take a while to save up for a place.

Couldn't you raise the inequity of the situation with your parents? Perhaps ask them if they really think it's fair that you contribute as much as you do, while your brother is a such a mooching waste of space?


Well-known member
I know people like that and what's worse is that I usually work with them. I can't get out of the situation except by getting fired or by quitting, so I really had to do something else. As long as they made me crazy I was getting all stressed out. So what I did is stop letting them own me. They can behave crazily, pull emotional stunts, accuse me, and so on -- but these people pull that trash with everyone. It's not personal. I'm just another person that gets in their way of world domination (hah) or something. So I just let it go. I don't let the anger build up. I don't let it in. I laugh about it. I try to see past it to what they really want (no matter how stupidly or obnoxiously they behave). None of this is easy but it beats letting them own me and screw up my life.


Well-known member
My mum would be that person that drives me to the point of wanting to kill lol.. I just stay well away from her now, i havent spoke to her in 2 years and she is still trying to drive me into a mental home.. little does she know that she is just making me angry to the point where im gonna take it all out on her..

My little brother, who has his own place, gf and 3 kids is a close second, i only ever hear from him when he is looking money or something done for him which is very infuriating..he uses the kids as a guilt trip and tries to make me feel bad.. I tell him that it drives me nutts but it never seems to sink in, thank God he doesnt live in the same village
I did have people who I held in such regard. In some cases I ejected them from my life. In others, I keep my distance as much as I can because no one likes the hassle of being around people they cannot put up with.


Well-known member
My mother is this person for me. It's pretty bad. I generally don't see her too often (she's emigrated to Australia now) but every time we do meet up, it's embarrassing. She's very exuberant and in-your-face, while I'm this overly-mellow guy, and I find myself cringing constantly in her company. As a withdrawn person, I notice that I value humility and unobtrusiveness, so on that score she's the antithesis of what I'm all about. I do love her and all, it's just so incredibly awkward being around her. I remember one vacation we had together a few years ago, in London. We were sightseeing there, and at one point she turned to me and went "OH AL, IT'S LIKE A MOVIE" really loudly, right in my face, and just as all these girls walked past us on the street. Like I said, really embarrassing.
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My mother is this person for me. It's pretty bad. I generally don't see her too often (she's emigrated to Australia now) but every time we do meet up, it's embarrassing. She's very exuberant and in-your-face, while I'm this overly-mellow guy, and I find myself cringing constantly in her company. As a withdrawn person, I notice that I value humility and unobtrusiveness, so on that score she's the antithesis of what I'm all about. I do love her and all, it's just so incredibly awkward being around her. I remember one vacation we had together a few years ago, in London. We were sightseeing there, and at one point she turned to me and went "OH AL, IT'S LIKE A MOVIE" really loudly, right in my face, and just as all these girls walked past us on the street. Like I said, really embarrassing.

i totally agree.. even though i live with my dad and hardly sees her, she still drives me crazyy. she criticizes everything i do, from my shoes to how i do my hair. :mad: when i do something right she says that i should do it better :eek: thank goodness i dont live with her, i rather go to prison than live with her.::(: