People just can't stand me


Well-known member
There are alot of mega socially confident people out there. I remember going to a party a few years back and had to constantly go to the bathroom because it was really intense and loud. Then the dancing started and I hadn't practiced for a long time so must have looked a bit silly so I walked outside and looked back in, there were the cliques throwing each other into the air, swing dancing.

I had no sense of my movements at all and sort of freaked and had to go ...i used to dance better, just with a few casual and fun moves that were fine but felt uncomfortable that night ...

I don't think its that people dislike you or anyone its just that often people are very tunnel vision and arrogant and socially confident in their own way. Or they fake it really well. Sometimes people only want to talk to other confident people as well.

Other parties can be more relaxed and down to earth and less intense.