People are too COMPLICATED


Well-known member
People are too complicated.

It's too hard to be with people.

I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever understand anyone.

Well I guess no one will never ever ever ever ever understand me too.

I think all the 'people sciences' - psychology, sociology, etc etc etc - utterly, utterly UTTERLY FAIL. REAL PEOPLE ARE TOO COMPLICATED. They can't even begin to describe REAL PEOPLE.

I realise why there is no cure for my condition. BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE TOO COMPLICATED. I realise why they can't teach you how to socialise in school - BECAUSE IT'S TOO COMPLICATED.

No one can tell your guts how to digest food. You either can do it or you can't do it. No one can tell you how to socialise. You can do it or you can't. If you can't, then you fail.

If you've seen the "Big Bang Theory" and seen Sheldon, you'll understand what I mean. Except I'm worse. People are too complicated.

Dealing with people is the sixth sense. You are either born with it or not. (Like how you can be born seeing or blind). If you are not, then congratulations, you will fail at life.

I can pretend to be normal - oh yes I can pretend. But pretending gets you only so far. Pretending isn't "real". Pretending doesn't change anything. You don't suddenly find yourself an eye by pretending to see.

People are too complicated.


Well-known member
i hate that people feel this way =/ i don't know if i have some kind of a 'gift' or some sh!t, but i honestly feel that for the most part, people are simple, lol.. i don't really have trouble 'reading' people or finding out what makes them tick, i don't have trouble understanding people either.. people are born selfish, wanting to be the center of everything, that's the key to understanding most people and why and how they work...


Well-known member
I'm guessing you mean complicated in that you don't know how to attract and keep friends/girlfriends? Or people just piss you off all the time?

It's possible to succeed in this world and not be a people-person. There are so many people who just learn to fake it. And if survival is in jeopardy (ie. just got laid off, have bills to pay, need a new job) then I dunno, but you'd probably figure it out. And if not, that's how the cookie crumbles, as Buddha would say.


Well-known member
I agree that people are probably not as complicated as you think. I've found they are usually pretty simple, especially if you are quiet and used to observing instead of interacting. I think that SA is more of a physiological or subconscious response to socializing that throws up lots of defense mechanisms to make you avoid the one thing that truly scares u the most: interacting with other people. One defense might be thinking that they are too complicated to understand and thus giving up all efforts to do so. This was partly the case for me, I am fairly intelligent and found that most basic interaction does not require much mental processing at all but that doesn't mean its easy to just start it one day, it takes practice as well as facing your fears about social interaction.


Well-known member
I find people's reactions differ greatly and since I cannot read minds and can't predict outcomes I assume the worst from experience.


Well-known member
1 + 1 = 2

see, that doesn't work?

1 man + 1 woman = 1 union of the flesh

math has no meaning when it comes to sex, sorry


Well-known member
Lol, I agree completlly. I was just saying that math can be a brilliant escape

well, yes... mathematical equations are much easier to decipher than women... general....

(legal counsel has forbidden me from any further comment)


Well-known member
Dont over think matters, as life is a mystery nobody will understand... Just go with the flow and follow you instict.. The more you think the more you confuse and scare yourself..


Well-known member
everything is pretty pointless in the grand scheme. Nothing anyone does really matters. We're all just going to die.
The reason we have so much trouble reading other people is because we are literally unable to get out of our own way.

btw, I'm terrible at math. I'd love to be able to use that as an escape lol