

Well-known member
Mm, I wish I could get some of the anesthetic they used on me for my wisdom teeth.

I've never had anything other than that. I tend to avoid doctors. I've never had a broken bone, a tooth cavity, a physical, blood drawn... How nuts is that? ::eek::


Well-known member
I've only had 2 operations under anaesthetic, but i had one under local anaesthetic meaning i was awake during it, and omg that was one weird experience lol


Well-known member
I've only had two, three if you count when I had a tooth taken out when I was two (they put me to sleep for it). The first/second was when I was four & I had my tonsils taken out. & the second/third was when I was 22 & I had my gallbladder taken out. That one was by far the worst. Well, I also had a wisdom tooth removed a couple years ago & that was HELL, especially recovering from it. The doctor didn't give me any pain meds or a prescription & all I had was aspirin at home. My mouth bled for five days almost non-stop & I had to keep putting tissue in it to stop the bleeding because they didn't give me any gauze when I left. Aspirin was the only pain med I had & I know that's what made it bleed for so long. I felt horrible & I was really worried about it, but it finally stopped. I'm sure that doesn't count as a surgery lol, but it kind-of was, I guess. It might be considered dental surgery, but I don't know.


Ive had 4 bone surgeries and 1 wisdom tooth surgery. Bone surgeries are supposedly the most painful.

I need another 4-5 bone surgeries done yet to remove more bone tumors.


Well-known member
I was born with a club foot, so I had two operations on that by the time I was about 3 years old. They couldn't have been too bad, as I remember doing somersaults with my leg in a cast. After that I had an operation on a hydrocele on my lower stomach. Again, this wasn't too bad. The only thing I remember is that there were hot air balloons on the TV I watched while mom pulled the last bandage off.

As for my wisdom teeth, I was lucky enough to be awake for their extraction. When the orthodontist was cutting one in half I remember feeling a bit of pressure in my mouth and seeing some blood spray up on her face shield. Far from being horrified, I was actually rather amused. And I don't remember what painkiller they gave me, but I was out at band practice that night. Playing bass and standing right next to the drums. And I didn't feel a thing. But I didn't have those outward-curving roots, so maybe I just was lucky.



Well-known member
no operations for me... never needed to get wisdom teeth taken out... sometimes, i think a lobotomy would be nice though :D


Well-known member
I have had 2 operations in my life one when I was about 1 ½ month and one when I was about 3 months
I had a tonsillectomy when I was 4; gallbladder removal when I was 18; draining my lungs, thymus biopsy, pericardial window (removing fluid from the sac around my heart), and port-a-cath insertion when I was 19; and a bone marrow biopsy and port-a-cath removal when I was 20. So eight altogether.

My favorite anesthetic was when they did the thymus biopsy--I was awake during it but I didn't care about anything, haha. I swear, they could have been about to chop my head off and I'd have been all, "Oh look, there's an axe, I wonder what they're going to d--"
I had eye surgery when I was 10 months old to correct strabismus, AKA lazy-eye. Sometimes my eyes still drift and people have made comments about it. ::(:
I also had my wisdom teeth cut out when I was 15.


Well-known member
never had one , but years ago i came off a motorbike doing 60 miles an hour , i was bouncing down the rd like a tennis ball ... smashed my head into the kerbstone and blacked out ... took me a while to heal lol but thats the nearest iv ever come to needing an operation ... oh yea same as a few people on here does teeth count :rolleyes: