Only do things when absolutely necessary


Well-known member
This is really a theme throughout my life.

I only really work at things to get it done, when there's an absolute necessesity for it. And I do mean necessity, like I'd end up a hobo if I wouldn't act. The rest of the time I procrastinate, or make plans or dream, while the piles of bills/work continue to build, getting myself into trouble. Another example, I only clean my room when there's people coming over. The rest of the time I just throw everything on the ground and it becomes a garbage place.

It's like there's some sort of lack of discipline, and also an extreme apathy built into me. The times I gather my energy and courage to do something I get extremely tired and I burn out fast. With me it's either a hyper mood in which I want to get things done, or a slumbering mood in which I don't do anything. Most things I start, I don't finish. I probably have ADD as well.

I don't know what to do in order to become a disciplined, normal person who takes care of himself and has a sense of organization. I try many things, buying agenda's, making plans, but nothing ever sticks and I fall back into the same habits. Can anyone offer some advice?
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Well-known member
i could easily have written the exact same post, so you're not alone

i wish i had some advice to give


Well-known member
I'm the same but not the same. I get low and I can't do anything I mean even getting out of bed open the blinds dress room becomes a mess can't even move then il get bit on a high and well I will not go out of my way to do much I do little as possible il clean my room ect but I tire so fast I nap though out the day ect then il go back to a low and my rooms a mess again and so the cycle continues


Well-known member
I am sad by the state of my room but have no care for myself. Same with taking the initiative to properly study before job interviews; no one else cares about me, so I don't either. It makes me worse and I too only act out of necessity or guilt, when everyone else starts picking on me for it.


Well-known member
Sam here Zod, my life only changed for the better out of necessity with unimagined results. Facing my own morality did that. I still have many plans that I don't act on.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the replies.

One beacon of hope for me is having people to account for. It gets a bit repetitive and you feel bad when you see people and they ask about your progress and there's none at all. You can see the disappointment in their eyes. People who care for me, can help encourage me a bit. Maybe that's a large problem with depression and SA, the lack of a direct social support group. We can't do everything by ourselves after all, we need some positive encouragement. Helps a lot with self-confidence.

I've lost contact with my brother for a long time, but recently I got back in touch with him, and we talk a bit about plans and goals and problems that I need to overcome, and it does help me get my head leveled a bit, and to make me work towards it.
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Well-known member
This is really a theme throughout my life.

I only really work at things to get it done, when there's an absolute necessesity for it. And I do mean necessity, like I'd end up a hobo if I wouldn't act. The rest of the time I procrastinate, or make plans or dream, while the piles of bills/work continue to build, getting myself into trouble. Another example, I only clean my room when there's people coming over. The rest of the time I just throw everything on the ground and it becomes a garbage place.

It's like there's some sort of lack of discipline, and also an extreme apathy built into me. The times I gather my energy and courage to do something I get extremely tired and I burn out fast. With me it's either a hyper mood in which I want to get things done, or a slumbering mood in which I don't do anything. Most things I start, I don't finish. I probably have ADD as well.

I don't know what to do in order to become a disciplined, normal person who takes care of himself and has a sense of organization. I try many things, buying agenda's, making plans, but nothing ever sticks and I fall back into the same habits.
^This and
I'm the same but not the same. I get low and I can't do anything I mean even getting out of bed open the blinds dress room becomes a mess can't even move then il get bit on a high and well I will not go out of my way to do much I do little as possible il clean my room ect but I tire so fast I nap though out the day ect then il go back to a low and my rooms a mess again and so the cycle continues
Maybe that's a large problem with depression and SA, the lack of a direct social support group.

no one else cares about me, so I don't either.

This is pretty interesting. I have the original, lack of motivation problem first discussed, but not as bad. I guess you need to start thinking about things in terms of yourself instead of other people. Like, when I clean my house I REALLY don't want to but I know it will make me feel better to be in a clean house so I do it. Other people have no part in my consideration of cleaning my house- I do it for myself. I won't say that makes it easier, but it makes me do it.


Well-known member
It's really a matter of finding the motivation to do the things you need to do. My apartment really needs to be cleaned, but I just haven't been able to motivate myself to set aside a day and clean the place high and low. Writing is another thing I was going to do this summer, and look -- summer is now more than halfway over and I haven't written hardly anything.


Well-known member
I am hardworking EXCEPT when it comes time to do anything social. I don't procrastinate on homework or studying, but I do procrastinate on social interactions, because they bring me fear. I exercise everyday, do self-learning daily, and also help out with house chores, so I know I'm not lazy.