Online stalking and obsessing


Well-known member
Is there an age limit to this test of yours?

no, as long as someone is mature enough to take responsibility for their own actions, they should be allowed the opportunity to run completely amuck, if they so choose

for some people, that's 5 or 15 years old

for others it's 25 or 40

some people never reach that point - they should not receive a license

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
this should be on the test you should have to take for the license that everyone should be required to obtain before they're allowed on the information superhighway


I used to read a forum where this one guy would post a link to his website in his signature. When people read his site and quoted some of the stuff he had there back at him (usually to point out his blatant hypocrisy on a wide range of subjects) he would accuse them of being "stalkers". On a couple of occasions he used various underhanded methods to try to discover the real life names and addresses of these people, and yet strangely enough he saw absolutely nothing wrong with doing that.

Some people on the interwebs are rather mixed up. ;)


Well-known member
This is one of the reasons why I guard my privacy on Facebook. Nothing about me is visible to anyone except the ones in my friend list.


Well-known member
There's old friends that I have on FB - but I feel that I can't talk to them, only via FB. So I know what your going through - just not on the romantic side though.


Well-known member
This is one of the reasons why I guard my privacy on Facebook. Nothing about me is visible to anyone except the ones in my friend list.

Me too. Even on Facebook I share very little.
I don't see why people have to share the entire aspect of their lives online.
It's silly.


Well-known member
Even just a simple 5 minute, awkward conversation with a beautiful stranger is enough to get me head over heels.
^ I feel this sooo much. Just having an extremely brief conversation with a cute guy or something sends me into really wanting to be with them. Maybe I feel that sort of obsession because I'm lonely?

I'll remember their name for the sole purpose of looking them up on facebook to find out more about them. What music they listen to...Who they hang out with...What they like and dislike...I just like to know them. And the more I check their profile, the more interested in them I get.
^ I used to do this when I used to have a Facebook account. I actually did it the other day on my mom's account because a friend of mine was telling me how I listen to similar music to a guy she knows. I don't even know the guy, but she told me his name and I automatically had to look him up. God, I'm such a creeper. :p


Well-known member
I'm guilty of this.

Girl I talked to 2 years ago, was on her myspace (that was the thing back then, lol) everyday just reading everything on it. Talked to her for about 4 months... I stopped talking to her because I realized I was acting like an idiot trying to keep her talking to me by acting like someone else.. which was dumb, apparently she wanted me for me... the guy who didn't say much, I guess I was a mystery to her.... what she wanted.


Well-known member
When I looked at your SPW album a while ago, I didn't notice any nude pictures of you.

Should I be checking back more often? ::p: :D

LOL Everyone has nude pictures of themselves hidden somewhere. In all seriousness, I'm not trying to get kicked out of the very site I help moderate. ::p:


Well-known member
I "stalk" the picture thread on this site. I have zero intentions of posting my own pic, but I guess I'm nosy when it comes to what other people look like. I've literally spent hours there once, starting from the first page of that thread and flipping through... then I got bored, bookmarked the page I was on, and came back another day to flip through the rest. heh.
^ I'm always checking the picture thread too. I want to post my picture but 1) I don't have a digital camera. 2) My phone camera sucks (that's my excuse!). and 3) I'm anxious about even posting my picture here. Someday though, I'll get around to it.


Well-known member
While I do do it and still feel shamed, the information is there. There's nothing creepy about it because people put it there. It just means you're curious, it's not stalking.


Active member
once on the web becomes everyones property you are stupid if you post very personal photos there are facebook accounts getting hacked all the time and peoples pics are turning up on some crazy sites lol...

putting up very personal pictures is STUPID!


Well-known member
yea I ah don't have a face book and had only family they only talked to me if they need d something so i just deleted plus the government got to involved into it and started putting these pseudo propaganda I love america crap and I can tell you we are partly a third world country with a first world country attached. So it sucks in the federal states oppressed like people who have had everything taking away except for there homes sadly that has already started to happen in missouri. Thats what I have heard. I just want to come firm how many banks bought a second mortgage for people and not know it.


Active member
Haha I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever had a facebook account, and a crush who goes on facebook has done this before.

Like someone stated earlier, this is nothing to be ashamed of. If they didn't want you to see what you saw, they would have done something about it. (even if they didn't KNOW that their information is public, it's still their fault)

What you see is what they want you to see, so it's normal.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. :) Wasn't expecting so many replies! Lots of us have this in common, I suppose. Or at least we're all interested in the subject.

FYI...I find it interesting that some people are saying that it's kind of the fault of the person who leaves their profile information open for public viewing. That's actually true...Mine's very private. Mostly because I fear someone dangerous will see my school and where I live...

I don't think I'd mind if someone looked through my photos and information if my profile was public. It's kind of nice that someone would take an interest in my thoughts and pictures and things. :)

And actually...I'm not 'stalking' as much. Though, as lots of you said...It's not really stalking. Just curiousness. :)