One quality your proud of.


Well-known member
I dont know...
I have. Nice. Hands? o_O
I can't think of anything lol.
Oh, and I like the fact that I'm open
Also have you noticed these lines are getting bigger?


Well-known member
My speed moving through shopping centres. I am a blur.

I am a hermit and love it.

One quality is that I have more than one quality I am proud of.
I proud of mine good grammer love for to: it be priceless indeed,



Well-known member
I was told a few years ago by a friend that I was the only person she knew who hadn't ever said anything bad about anyone behind their back. It's kind of a random one but it is something I'm quite proud of.

I suppose that quality is general niceness. I like to think that with all my shortcomings, deep down, I'm still a very nice person.



Oh... not to get sidetracked... I am proud that I can stop hiccups and sneezing at will.

Wow! I'm jealous.

Um, of your ability, that is. NOT Chuck Norris. (Darnit I still haven't figured out how to quote certain sections instead of the whole post)


Well-known member
Wow! I'm jealous.

Um, of your ability, that is. NOT Chuck Norris. (Darnit I still haven't figured out how to quote certain sections instead of the whole post)

Well Chuck Norris takes no offense and he Approves of you!


To edit, just edit the quoted text inside the
Name; said:
; take the image link away or keep only what you want that's quoted.