mmm interesting question. Well my bf is 21 turning 22 in may and i am 16 turning 17 in july. A lot of young females get with older guys in their 50s for money...some for love. It depends so mmm...i definately got with my bf b.c the minute i saw him i couldn't take my eyes off him, but he looks really young like he is 18 or something lol...he doesn't look his age at all. Anyways, it depends on the person...i wouldn't date someone my age though because a lot of the young guys my age act stupid.
mmm interesting question. Well my bf is 21 turning 22 in may and i am 16 turning 17 in july. A lot of young females get with older guys in their 50s for money...some for love. It depends so mmm...i definately got with my bf b.c the minute i saw him i couldn't take my eyes off him, but he looks really young like he is 18 or something lol...he doesn't look his age at all. Anyways, it depends on the person...i wouldn't date someone my age though because a lot of the young guys my age act stupid.