older guys getting young chicks


mmm interesting question. Well my bf is 21 turning 22 in may and i am 16 turning 17 in july. A lot of young females get with older guys in their 50s for money...some for love. It depends so mmm...i definately got with my bf b.c the minute i saw him i couldn't take my eyes off him, but he looks really young like he is 18 or something lol...he doesn't look his age at all. Anyways, it depends on the person...i wouldn't date someone my age though because a lot of the young guys my age act stupid.


Well-known member
Most men in their 50's are really attractive. Whoever said Anthony Hopkins... I completely agree! :lol: I hate generalizing but most guys from their late teens to mid thirties I think are a bit immature. It's rare to find one who isn't. There are also those pervy older men which is gross but most seem to be mature and experienced and cut through alot of BS. But I think I just love seeing may-december romances. I think it's cute to see people from different stages in life beat the odds for true love. :D


Well-known member
A little off topic but about older men I found this thing so weird that I have to tell about it, I red today on the news that a ca 60 year old man and a ca 40 year old woman married and made kids pretty quickly. However what they both did not know was that the man is actually father to the woman, but they were separated in her very early childhood and havn't had any contact since then. Besides that this is very gorss it means that the man is both father and grandfather to the kid and that the woman is both mother and sister to the kid. (O,o) Quite freaky-


Well-known member
Kien said:
A little off topic but about older men I found this thing so weird that I have to tell about it, I red today on the news that a ca 60 year old man and a ca 40 year old woman married and made kids pretty quickly. However what they both did not know was that the man is actually father to the woman, but they were separated in her very early childhood and havn't had any contact since then. Besides that this is very gorss it means that the man is both father and grandfather to the kid and that the woman is both mother and sister to the kid. (O,o) Quite freaky-



Well-known member
I always seem to be crushing on older men. Like for celebrities I love Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, David Boreanaz, etc more than I like the somewhat younger guys like Orlando Bloom, Zac Efron, and yeah I can't even think of anymore examples because I'm not so into them. lol.

I suppose that is just for celebrities though, because I cannot imagine actually getting with and marrying a guy who is 20 years older than me. Like I'm 20 and Stephen Colbert is 43. It is pretty weird when I think about it that the man could be my freakin' dad.

I do think that it may have to do with money and protection though. Like you see a lot of older, prominent, rich, not particularly good-looking men who are with pretty young women.


Well-known member
I have never seen an age difference so drastic in real life (I am talking 40-60 yr old men with 20 yr old women.) I am sure it happens, but I have yet to encounter it. The most I have seen is about 10-15 yrs older.

I don't have any problem dating an older man, but I am quite unique - as I seem to like my men a little younger (or the same age.) The guy I am dating now is 23 yrs old - as I am 25. I like 'em young, because they seem to be more lively. Heheh.


Well-known member
Moonie said:
I have never seen an age difference so drastic in real life (I am talking 40-60 yr old men with 20 yr old women.) I am sure it happens, but I have yet to encounter it. The most I have seen is about 10-15 yrs older.

I don't have any problem dating an older man, but I am quite unique - as I seem to like my men a little younger (or the same age.) The guy I am dating now is 23 yrs old - as I am 25. I like 'em young, because they seem to be more lively. Heheh.

haha. wohoo another girl who likes younger guys! :p My friends used to bug me about liking guys younger than me.. >_<


scorpion said:
Its not some much the age but the maturitie, after all yougers guys some times can act like a child, and women seek out a man that can give them confidence, security, safety.
.Its a fact that girls mature faster them guys, so thats not so strange after all

Well, yes women mature faster than guys,, but just two or tree years faster jejeje thats not a valid excuse!!! :lol: Women took this like a excuse.

Lets talk with the truth,, jjejej they are interesting in money $$$$$ more money $$$$$. Just after have the money they got sex with youngs awful but is the truth!!!

The first sexual relation of women had been with olders, almost im sure jejeje.


Well-known member
haha funny thread
i would luv a young chick but im 23 and sure sure most of thems immaturity would get annoying


Well-known member
crashmodem said:
I am not sure about you, it seems like the guys in their late 50's early 60's seem to be getting the women that are in their early 20's? why?? what is wrong with guys in their 20's? There are a lack of single women out there as it is, and they choose to go with older guys?? wtf??...

A lot of younger guys are assholes and only after one thing...that's a serious deterant :wink:


Well-known member
Alot of younger guys also just want a girls company, to talk with and to share fun moments with, and arn't sex crazy idiots too ..

i'm attracted to the soul and the mind more then getting into bed as far as priority goes, i actually prefer making out to the former though, lol ..thats more a physical aspect of relationships .

everyone is different ay!


Well-known member
Richey said:
Alot of younger guys also just want a girls company, to talk with and to share fun moments with, and arn't sex crazy idiots too ..

i'm attracted to the soul and the mind more then getting into bed as far as priority goes, i actually prefer making out to the former though, lol ..thats more a physical aspect of relationships .

everyone is different ay!

ay indeed! I wish there were more like you!


Well-known member
I like women with wrinkled butts, and saggy old skin. Maybe girls are more prone to oldness fetish? I've seen 20 years old hit on my mentally ill 85 year old grand father. They r like " Hey papi, i like your white hair, and your sluggish movements"