older guys getting young chicks


New member
Younger Women

I read with interest what was said here and in my experience In discussing issues like this with younger women is that when a woman is in her early 20's she feels many of the men in their age group are far too immature in that they prefer not having guys who's interests lie in building a race car or going to NASCAR or many of the interests of a normal young male. It's just a preference some women do not have interest in. However, the interest that young wome in that age bracket is somewhat of curiosity and security and plain fun on the expense of the older guy! The older guy feels flattered and get's a rush from being with the younger woman. The younger woman rarely is in love with the older man! Much to the older man's disappointment. When sex is involved the tables change! If the older guy is good looking and in great shape, the younger woman may feel she is falling in love but the older guy is unlikely to go that step probably having been married before and or still is married! I myself had a very young woman compared to my age. 25 year difference. I didn't understand what her interests or desires were in myself. She stated she didn't have any difficulty with it as long as I didn't! Whoa! I was in some kind of stupor for about a week and I realized in having intimate discussions with her that not only were my interests different from hers but our experiences were vastly different. The sex was outrageous and of course being young she was firm all over! That was great but actually that was the only thing! She loved our sexual relationship because of my experiences! Walking into a restaurant or a public place and it is like having your daughter with you! It's a bit uncomfortable. I broke it off!To "Modemcrasher" There are plenty of women out there for you but if you act "Needy" or are "Clingy" That drives a young woman away! They want a confident man and in a way a "Bad Boy". With an older man they can get a feeling of sophistication.....somewhat! Hang in there! There's a woman for you!!


New member
Younger Women

I read with interest what was said here and in my experience In discussing issues like this with younger women is that when a woman is in her early 20's she feels many of the men in their age group are far too immature in that they prefer not having guys who's interests lie in building a race car or going to NASCAR or many of the interests of a normal young male. It's just a preference some women do not have interest in. However, the interest that young wome in that age bracket is somewhat of curiosity and security and plain fun on the expense of the older guy! The older guy feels flattered and get's a rush from being with the younger woman. The younger woman rarely is in love with the older man! Much to the older man's disappointment. When sex is involved the tables change! If the older guy is good looking and in great shape, the younger woman may feel she is falling in love but the older guy is unlikely to go that step probably having been married before and or still is married! I myself had a very young woman compared to my age. 25 year difference. I didn't understand what her interests or desires were in myself. She stated she didn't have any difficulty with it as long as I didn't! Whoa! I was in some kind of stupor for about a week and I realized in having intimate discussions with her that not only were my interests different from hers but our experiences were vastly different. The sex was outrageous and of course being young she was firm all over! That was great but actually that was the only thing! She loved our sexual relationship because of my experiences! Walking into a restaurant or a public place and it is like having your daughter with you! It's a bit uncomfortable. I broke it off!To "Modemcrasher" There are plenty of women out there for you but if you act "Needy" or are "Clingy" That drives a young woman away! They want a confident man and in a way a "Bad Boy". With an older man they can get a feeling of sophistication.....somewhat! Hang in there! There's a woman for you!!


Well-known member
In my opinion, women in their twenties go for much much older men mainly because of their money. On the other hand, older men go for young women because they want something pretty & nublie in their beds. Believe me when I say practically ALL the younger women they go for have these 2 qualities. I live in Singapore & in the streets these days, it is common to see unattractive older men with attractive young China women. The women's objective: to get the men to buy as many things for them as possible. The men's objective: to have something pretty & nubile to enjoy in bed.


Well-known member
some younger ladies go out with older men cos they find them more mature..and if u compare a 20 yr old lady with a 20 yr old guy, u will see the difference..


Staff member
IcanDoIt said:
some younger ladies go out with older men cos they find them more mature..and if u compare a 20 yr old lady with a 20 yr old guy, u will see the difference..

thats it completely, I remember what a self centered immature prick I was in my teens/early 20's

though some lads can be matrue at that age, its the exception rather than the norm


Well-known member
mystery said:
so basically this is how to remove the ugly girls and guys from reproducing, by never finding someone.
Its not because u are ugly, or because chicks dig older guys, or because chics like jerks..
Its your self image, if u see yourself as ugly/not deserving to be loved then i can't see how anyone could think otherwise. Please feel better about ur self. Think positively, and stop complaining.

Yes and no, a negative attitude isnt a good thing but sometimes if your really ugly then it doesnt matter what attitude you have, girls will still much rather go for the good looking rich guy who doesnt have socialphobia

in the past I have found that a positive attitude regarding potential relationships equates to more dissapointment and hurt


Well-known member
IcanDoIt said:
some younger ladies go out with older men cos they find them more mature..and if u compare a 20 yr old lady with a 20 yr old guy, u will see the difference..

I agree that there's some truth in this. If a woman is 24, & say goes for a 40 year old man, I think its possible that she did wat she did bcoz the man has a higher muturity level.

But on the other hand, if the 24 year old woman goes for a say, 56 year old man, I question her motives. In this case, my guess is that she's in for his money, not his maturity level. I mean a 16 years difference I can understand, but a 32 year old difference? I think wat the couple has is a big generation gap(different values, expectations etc.) & the woman is more likely than not to be in for the money.

Pls ecuse me if I come across as cynical :wink:


Well-known member
Fighter 86 wrote:

In my opinion, women in their twenties go for much much older men mainly because of their money. On the other hand, older men go for young women because they want something pretty & nublie in their beds.

Ala Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Anna Nicole Smith's 90+ hubby and the rest of the filthy rich crusty old man clan and their ever 'loving' gold digging wives.


Well-known member
Well I like younger men and older men. :wink:

When I was 20 I dated a guy who was 42 and it wasn't because of money, I just believed I loved him, but I think it was the thrill of being with someone older and I knew my parents would have killed me if they found out.

Now that I am much older I have dated guys at least ten years younger than me on several occasions.

annie :)


Well-known member
i like men around 25-30, but ive met some right immature losers tho in this age bracket! But now, ive met a lovely guy hes 27, i think maturity and how a guy treats u is the key, i've met mature guys who were younger than me2


Well-known member
They're probably rich, or are going to die soon and would leave them lots of money and properties. I'd take any 80 year old man anyday if I was promised to be rich.


Well-known member
I dont think I could ever, at my age, be attracted to a man over 50 years old...well, except Ted Danson & Anthony Hopkins. :p :wink:
I'm normally attracted to men my age, a few years younger, a few years older...probably (usually) at the oldest, in his mid-late 30's. Not that it matters. I might as well just say I'm not attracted to anyone since that's what I've got. No one.


Well-known member
I usually go for guys who are at least 20 years older. My ex-therapist said it was a longing for a affectionate father figure....which disturbed me more than just thinking I liked older guys. LOL
Hey J, yeah I hear what your sayin, I agree with the statement that being a guy and having SA is harder then being a girl with it in terms of forming a relationship. I mean as a male I would have no problem in dating a female with sa even if I didn’t have the condition myself and didn’t understand it. However on the other hand if I was I ‘normal’ female i.e not suffering from it, I can see how dating a bloke with SA would be a turn off to a majority of females apart from the types you described lol… As you said being further from the alpha male characteristcis that females desire but are not desired or prefered by males in females makes it harder for a male with SA then a female. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone. Good day


The issue for me is not the age!

lifesnotfair said:
ya.. but lots of women do... they don't look at the younger guys available. I just can't seem to find any women no matter what so i guess it doesn't matter.

Hi, i think the issue is not the age. I think many girls look for someone who protects her ($$) :roll:

Why do you think there are many cases of infidelity??? because dont take the time even to know each other. It sounds sad but thats the way i think, through my observation years.

"Many women noy all of them"

By other hand, the men look (not me) for pretty women" Its the pure darwinism, if you want to call it that way.

I just look for women similar to me in every aspect. Sorry i dont act like the mass in this aspect. Maybe in others aspects yes, but this not.


I guess I fall into that dating older man category :oops: But let me explain!

The younger, party-type guys have never really taken an interest in me. I don't know if it's my looks or personality (probably both), but I don't they've ever seen me as hot, fun and exciting thing that shakes her ass at the nightclub.

Older men have hit on me quite a bit, and I've had relationships with men that were 13+ years older than me. Honestly, money was never the reason why I got with them (in fact, most of them made the same amount I did). Maybe it is my SA and introvertedness that attracts them....I don't know why they are the only ones chasing (some of them are like 60!)

I did have a crush on a younger guy though....it was frustrating to watch him ignore me and chase after the hot party-girls his age.

I really don't care about a man's age though. Call me shallow, but if I am physically attracted to him, that's all it takes. I do like the quiet men the most, whether younger or older. Rowdy, transparent guys are not my cup of tea...they bore me to tears in two seconds. Quiet men have a very appealing thing going on.... :lol: I want to peel back the layers.


Well-known member
Luna said:
I guess I fall into that dating older man category :oops: But let me explain!

The younger, party-type guys have never really taken an interest in me. I don't know if it's my looks or personality (probably both), but I don't they've ever seen me as hot, fun and exciting thing that shakes her ass at the nightclub.
You bet asshaking causes attention.


Well-known member
Personally... I feel VERY intimidated by guys that are younger than me, or around my age.

Also, I find a lot of them to be immature, even when I am attracted to them.

After all the bullshit I've been through with guys.. It feels more like common sense, not to date a younger guy.. sad really, cause those are the ones I like best. :p

I'm 25 and I would date a guy between 20 - 30, but what stops me is..

Younger = More immature, intimidating, flighty. I think that younger guys are not attracted to me, and that I am too boring and plain for them, or too old... not 'innocent' or 'cute' enough.

Older = intimidating, too mature, not as attractive to me as guys in their early 20's. lol Also, I feel like I don't deserve an older attractive guy who has fantastic goals and is active and a decent job. I think I'm too... bleh for them.

And I would never date a guy who was like... 20 years older than me... 10 MAYBE.. MAYBE.. And never for the money.. NEVER!

ANYWAY! That's that, about that!


Well-known member
Its not some much the age but the maturitie, after all yougers guys some times can act like a child, and women seek out a man that can give them confidence, security, safety.
Its a fact that girls mature faster them guys, so thats not so strange after all.


Well-known member
I think everybody is thinking way too hard about this ..

again its just another generalisation that while does exist doesn't represent the majority of all girls needs and fantasies ...

if you feel enough chemistry with another person thats all that is needed, if you enjoy each others company everything else doesn't matter, its all peripherals ..

its like imagine being back in the schoolyard as a young kid, you could walk up and say "lets play hop skip jump" or "dungeons and dragons" and you had an instant friend ..

sometimes life can be that simple even when your older, believe it or not ..

i'm intimidated by girls that are just so picky and superficial all the time, my sister for instance is like this towards guys her ideal guy is planned out in such pin point detail that its hilarious, i mean sure you can have an idea of THE perfect partner and you can go after it, but everyone is going to have imperfections and weaknesses, people get to a level of obnoxious ego high ground that you kind of have to walk away because it makes you feel ill that they can have only one vision and no open mindedness ..

And i think singling out certain people because of an age gap or lack of experiance because of age, or immaturity getting in the way is very snobbish, you could argue that the youngish girls that go after older guys are the same in that immature way even though they give the impression they arnt so its very hypocritical of them, but again it is common ..

because they want security, they want a man with experiance and memorable stories, they want the whole package ...

its easier for girls, this thread shows how much pressure men are under when it comes to relationship[s.