ok first we had aliens now ghosts


Well-known member
i live nr arundel castle its sopposed to be haunted .. heres a link to the ghosts of arundel castle The four ghosts of Arundel hmmm do you belive ... or not .... this will be interesting .. hey its not an sa thread but nice to think about something else just to give us a break from our problems ;) so people ...... what do you think :)
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Well-known member
I used to leave my windows open so that spirits could come in. I assumed that there were good and bad spirits, but that if I put certain notes and concoctions on the window sill, the bad spirits would be driven away temporarily. Once my house was fully occupied by kindly spirits, I would leave the window open again so that my friends could come and go as they pleased. I think they also warded off the bad spirits after they grew accustomed to living with me.

Things...are amazing

johnny 85

Well-known member
this is my kind of thread ;) im strongly believe theres spirts out there. also angels and demons!! and like genius said about different dimensions (different planes), i believe that to be true also!! i believe when someone uses a ouija board to contact there "loved ones" , they actually make contact with a negative spirit (lower plane spirits) or demon - ( which btw are extremely intelligent). i used to be curious about using one before but now i think that we (humans) are nt ment to make any sort of contact with spirits. i know all this sounds crazy to the people who dont believe , i dont blame ye for thinking its nuts because it kinda is. none of it can be proven or dis proven! heres a link to a story about a woman who started playin the ouija board and got talking to a demon called ZAZ. she asks him many questions about the after life and some of his replys are very surprising! please read with an open mind!! The Ouija Board and a Demon called ZAZ - Topic Powered by Social Strata

btw the story is really long , if u dont wanna read it all, just read cemetary angels parts !!
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i hope so! as long as they keep their hands to themselves and no demonic possessions allowed

i was really gullible as a kid and believed everything anyone ever told me, so i saw shapes in the woods and strange things all the time. it was a combination of the power of suggestion and bad vision.
my uncles loved to scare me witless with masks and fake vampire teeth every chance they could get. there was one south american mask of the devil with a pointy tongue and bulging eyes. thanks for the anxiety disorder uncle!
i was totally the kid who hid under the covers repeating "theres no such thing as ghosts" over and over.


Well-known member
There were two incidents that were enough for me to believe, especially after trying my darnedest to disprove them at least to myself. Things that still make my hairs on my back stand up.... Gives me the creeps just thinking about what happened....


Well-known member
what is one of them:confused:

One of them was when I was a kid... My dad was a janitor at a high school and he worked nights and since I couldn't be left home alone... He took me to work with him at this school. Doing typical janitor work cleaning carpets, closing doors and locking them up after he was done with some of the classrooms that he was cleaning. I watched him for hours opening doors vacuuming and then locking them up and he would always give them a little twist and a tug to make sure they were locked up...before moving on to the next classroom. One of the doors he just checked and I was following my dad a few steps behind him, and when I was in front of this door that he just checked, the darn thing swung open so hard that it was like a gust of wind had grabbed it and flung it open forcefully. I about jumped out of my skin, and it even caught my dad off guard too. Of course my dad being the most logical person in the world flat out rejected the whole "ghost" idea, but he didn't have any other explanation for it either. Needless to say I didn't stray away from my dad that entire night...I couldn't have slept if I wanted to anyways.


Well-known member
Here's a unicorn. Some people may try and trick you into believing it's a deer, but don't be fooled.



Well-known member
I've never seen anything myself, but some of those ghosthunting programmes have some strange footage.