Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, today's been eventful. My oldest sister's fiancé offered to take me oot for a cuppa coffee, just to get me oot the house. Nae sooner hud we arrived in Dumfries, my oldest sister rings saying she had to leave work early cuz Mum just rang up in tears. Something about being left with my nieces while our middle sibling went away. As the youngest isn't feel well and hasn't been since the weekend.
But, as per, the question: "Whit should ah dae?" is met with "Well, ah dinnae ken, do ah?!"
h: Ah dread to think how my family would survive stranded on an island?
Anyway, natural we both assume by my oldest sister's phone call that an argument's kicked off cuz I'm going for a coffee. "Huh! How come naebuddy offers tae take me oot fur a coffee?" But it turns oot it wus'nae that, and my mother had over exaggerated the whole situation. :kickingmyself:
I've got the point where rah even wonder why ah should care anymore. :sad: Ah've said how ah feel, Christ knows I've had to tolerate the arguments long enough.
Other than no much else has been happening. Not that I'm functioning well enough to notice. Barely got much sleep in the last few months, and constantly stressing about what's been happening with my family.
But, as per, the question: "Whit should ah dae?" is met with "Well, ah dinnae ken, do ah?!"
Anyway, natural we both assume by my oldest sister's phone call that an argument's kicked off cuz I'm going for a coffee. "Huh! How come naebuddy offers tae take me oot fur a coffee?" But it turns oot it wus'nae that, and my mother had over exaggerated the whole situation. :kickingmyself:
I've got the point where rah even wonder why ah should care anymore. :sad: Ah've said how ah feel, Christ knows I've had to tolerate the arguments long enough.
Other than no much else has been happening. Not that I'm functioning well enough to notice. Barely got much sleep in the last few months, and constantly stressing about what's been happening with my family.