Not telling my mum about my boyfriend


Well-known member
Okay, i feel like the most terriblest person on the earth for not telling my mum and dad about my boyfriend. Thing is im so embarssed about the subject.
I just wondered if theres any other rare people out there like me.
I think it started since childhood i got picked on for liking a lad in my class an the embarassment fills up now.
Please help ! i no i should tell her but believe me iv attempted but i feel my cheeks hotting up,
ive thought about this, if i manage to get a girlfriend, how will i tell my parents and introduce her to them?::(:


Well-known member
I've told my parents about my girlfriend, but I haven't introduced her to them either.


Super Moderator
If she's understanding and nice, I don't think she will have much of a problem. I understand the feeling though.

I haven't told mine yet, because I am afraid she might react negative. She has reacted badly before If I wanted to do other things, because she never liked that I would do something for and by myself. This was many years ago and I think she changed for the better (at least in that matter)... but still, the fear is still there.


Well-known member
how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

i mean.. when i was younger i didn't really tell my parents because it just didn't matter.. i had little school boyfriends and we would meet with friends at the movies and whatnot, but i didn't really tell my parents about it...

my first serious boyfriend was when i was 14/15, and he was 16 and would come pick me up for dates and whatnot so yeah, i started telling them then, i guess..


Well-known member
I wouldn't do that either, I barely tell my parents something because .. no idea. They wanna know everything in my life, but I'm ashamed of my situation so I just shut up most of the time.


Well-known member
i don't think I would tell my family either, I feel they often ask very intrusive questions to other people they kno when they visit. They might also bring up some uncomfortable things about me. So I think if I had a girlfriend I would try my best to keep her secret although the truth would probably come out sooner or later.