This was one of the first threads I noticed when I found this forum because I've always been hurt (probably irrationally, but you can't help how you feel) by people hassling me to smile. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this problem. It happened to me again just today. I feel like the person is pointing out something that is different about me when I am trying so hard to pass as normal. I actually have been depressed my entire life, but it happens even when I am having a good (for me) day. I know that even in the cases when the person seems to be making fun of you they don't really mean any harm; you can't really know how someone else feels until you've walked in their shoes. However, I don't think anyone has ever given a genuine smile just because some stranger has demanded it. If someone is concerned about my mood, I would rather they say or do something to make me smile rather than actually bringing it up.