Not really Social Phobic


Well-known member
i can walk up and talk to people but i come across as really uptight and serious even though i'm trying not to be those things at all ...

people will rattle off witty remarks and i just go blank in the heat of the moment, i can't understand how certain people have so much knowledge stored in their memory and can mathematically work it out into a humerous coherent sentence like the flick of a switch all the time ...

my uncle, dad, sisters boyfriend will sit there and joke for hours and they all seem to know everything about history and mechanics, sick jokes like its another language to the point where its overwhelming if you feel out of the loop

i suppose thats the difference when you are around people that practice it day after day after day and so forth

like my dad always refers to something in the form of a pun or a metaphor that relates to history, he'll use the romans or the greeks, jews and somehow link it to any comment , anything into a sarcastic remark that gets laughs ..

so my problem isnt social phobia so much as it is just trying to have fun and thinking clearly


Well-known member
and the people that are like that (witty and quick with the tongue) expect everyone else to be that way, too. they take it for granted. then they look at you like you're stupid when you don't have much of a response. they don't understand that it is actually a talent in disguise!


Well-known member
i get very nervous if i have to approach people or talk to them, and i have SP, OCD, Agoraphobia, and other problems,

but if i actually force myself to talk to others, i can be very friendly and sincere-looking, but i wont last long in the conversation. i'll also have that anxious and nervous face.


Well-known member
I remember when someone used to insult me and i could never think of a quick comeback remark because i'd feel so hurt. I envy people who have quick wits.


I can talk to people and get a conversation going. I can be funny too.

But that doesn't mean i like the people i'm talking to.

I hate going out, i hate talking, but i put on a brave face while i'm out (if i have to be out somewhere).

Just because you are a good talker, doesn't mean social anxiety is any easier. Talking doesn't get you very far, it's the courage of doing things and going places. And thats something i dont have.