It changes when you meet someone!
Having another personality in your life interplays with your own (yes, you do have one) and coaxes ideas out of you. You'll be surprised. You'll suddenly start thinking of places to go, things to show her, experiences you want to share with her. Outside forces prod our imagination. Books, movies, etc. and it's the same with people. They introduce new things into our lives.
As for women being pretty demanding, well, that depends on what your sources of information are. Not all women are 'like' anything: they're just individuals, like men.
You don't have to be a human amusement park to another person. Just be happy, humorous and outgoing. These things work their way out of you when you have the stimulus of another person liking you, trust me. Once you trust them, you relax, and that's when things start flowing.
Think of relationships like you do money.
You can't sit around your house wishing you had money, wondering why someone won't just leave a big bag of cash on your doorstep just to make it easier.
You have to get some skills, go out, and get to work to earn that money.
Same thing with people. Work on people-skills, experience will build.
How to get the skills? Research and practice. You don't answer an ad for an accounting job, hoping that by the time you walk into their offices the ability to balance books just pops into your head!
Take tips from this site, spend a few hours googling and taking notes. It's frustrating having to work on something that comes naturally to most other people, but that's why SPW and sites like it are here.