no purpose


Well-known member
I'm stuck in my room everyday doing nothing, I have to wait to see a doc, I'm to uncomfortable to go outside, I'm lonely as f@ck. Everyday I do the same stupid routine, go online, check music blogs, download some crap and watch tv. People who don't deal with it much don't really know how bad loneliness is, I just lay in my bed with a 100 thoughts going all at once. There are a few productive things i want to do with myself but deep down i figure, whats the point? I would sit in my room in darkness feeling depressed than sit and study something, I dont get that, I can't even make something good out of myself. Dealing with these things alone are the worst, no one knows of the struggle it takes just for me to be happy just for a little while, just to focus on something worthwhile. It sucks cus I know I have more to deal with, I could rant all i want, I still have to deal with it again and again. ffguf9ufurfur4u4fbuuj043hjrf94


It´s so easy to get stuck in a rut and so hard to get out of it. My advice to you would require courage but I think it would be worth it. I think it would benefit you to get away.....take a trip somewhere or join an organization where you´d be helping people or animals or the environment. Sometimes just seeing a new place and getting a new perspective opens your eyes and your heart and gets you to think outside of yourself. Easier said than done, right? It´s that first step out that´s the hardest and I think we all have good intentions but we just need the balls to actually do it!


Well-known member
I can relate. The only reason that I stay sane is because I have to leave to go to school everyday. Other than that, I would probably never do anything. I'm so lonely most of the time.


Well-known member
I know how you feel. When i was unemployed i would be in a rut of going to bed late and waking late...And then i'd just mope around getting lost in my thoughts feeling sorry for myself. I work full time and it helps keep me sane. The more things you can do to occupy yourself the less time you have to think.


Well-known member

My problem Recluse is that I can never really escape myself no matter how busy I am. I am always aware of my fears and insecurities and there really is nowhere to hide from them. I feel like I just want shut of life.