no friends


Active member
i am 20 years old now and stay in the uk.i have not been out the house since i was 16 exept when i take my dog walks from 1 in the morning to 6 in the morning.i have had no friends at all since the age of anxiety disorder has ruined my life::(:


Well-known member
hey there, firstly welcome to the site. firstly, i have no friends either as do many of us here. since i left school i've been pretty much solitary and it took a while to get used to the change of not having my school friends around me. i have to ask what in particular, is keeping you from going out of your home? is just trying to avoid the panic you feel when around people, or is it something deeper?

Death Rider

Active member
Welcome, don't take having no friends too seriously. Your main goal is to become at peace with yourself, then the friends will come.


Active member
thx for ur comments.i dont really know why exactly i cant leave the house,i can barely even have a conversation with my family,i just feel really panicky and feel like crying at the thought of going out but i have just started on anti depressants and starting to get help after like 7 years of asking for it so hopefully it will help me feel more confident as it is holding me back from doing alot of things i would have hoped to have been doing by now.::(:


Well-known member
It must be really hard, SA would kill me if I didn't go to school.

I think you really need to consider finding some sort of basic job/education, pure social interaction would probably be too traumatic, but with the "filling" of work/school it might be easier to start relating to others.


Active member
the type of dog i have is a tibetan terrier/bearded collie mix,and i would love to be able to get a job as a vet but i just cant bare the thought of leaving the house,dont know if its sa or agoraphobia i have

I have just 1 friend. She's a really good friend, but she will go back to her country this year in October or November. So after that I will end up alone again. We will keep contacting each other, but the contact will be less close of course. So I need to find new friends. I know it's hard to find friends. I've always been different than other people, not just only because of SA, but my interests and thoughts are totally different from others in some ways. There are not many ppl who truly understand me. Marielb, I know your worries and frustrations. You need to figure out what you have. Have you already been to a psychologist? Btw, you have a beautiful dog :)


Well-known member
Hey mary , i know what u mean when u say about no friends, my best friend is my basketball ball so u can see ^^ anyways here its a very nice place u will find many ppl like us that are a bit shy and also has SA and we are always ready to helpeachother so feel always free to ask or talk or vent about everything we are here for u and for support eachother =) oh i was forgetting , welcome =P


hey i totally know what you feel... i have no one also... it sucks
im taking distance education program so imagine..all day alone at home..
if you want add me.. do you have msn or skype i would love to get to know you :)


Well-known member
It can get better. Try every path that you ever hear of until you find the one. You will find one. You can do anything you WANT, it's a matter of wanting to do it.

As soon as you open up to people you will make friends, it's not hopeless but it takes a lot of practice and a lot of small steps... Start small. For instance, perhaps start walking your dog from 2-7 instead (more people will be out) or start smaller, step outside your front door at 1pm and then go back inside, or something. Then take it from there

I have found that I make friends when I am completely open and honest about every little thing. If I am thinking something about the person and I say it to them (even if it sounds a little bit... creepy) I have a way better chance of the person wanting to be friends with me. I think the only people I have befriended since I lost all of my friends (not many, mind you, but extra admirable people) are these types that are open and just are who they are.... So, there is hope in practiced honesty after taking small steps to exposure yourself
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you are not alone. Im a highschool freshman. Everyone has at least one or two friends, but i have z e r o. I eat lunch alone everyday, walk the halls alone every day. I pretty much go seven hours a day in complete silence. People just ignore me, its like im not even there. Ive just given up, i dont even try to socialize anymore.


Active member
that is exactly how i was in school but i had a twin sister she also suffered from sa but not anymore


Well-known member
me neither, and i cant handle it no more no matter how positive i try to be...
how can you guys live with yourself?

Well it's not easy, but i go through so much insecurity when around people, being completely alone is like child's play compared to it.


Well-known member
So you have a dog? Then you have at least one friend, it's just not a human friend. Some people don't have any pets or friends. Pets are the best friends too because they will always love you unconditionally as long as you keep feeding them and provide them with a place to live.