night class in college


Well-known member
80 percent of success is just showing up. so just commit to showing up. don't drop out. you can do it.


Well-known member
what dottie says is the truth.

I always hate first days of class. Anxiety at its worst. Talking about myself in front of strangers. No thanks, I just say the bare minimum and hope the teacher goes right to the next person and doesn't try to talk to me.


Active member
Yeah I think she figure out I was shy so she didn't make me talk much. I chose a night class because I figure it be less people. Turns out there were more students than the morning class! I also took this class at a smaller campus hoping less people will show up. Boy was I wrong.


Active member
I know how you feel. I get so anxious on the first day when teachers ask you to introduce yourself! It's like, hey, I'm in your class, you know my name, why not just stick to, you know, teaching until I'm not terified of everyone in the room?
I'm in this math class right now, and I just wish I could hide every time I go in that room because everyone else in there seems to know exactly what the instructor is talking about without any trouble. She also makes us do problems on the board in groups, which is nerve-racking because I don't want to mooch off of anyone, but I just need a little extra time to understand stuff before I'm on the spot. Can't drop the class, though, lol.


Active member
Yes on the first day she assigns us up in a class. She even ask now who wants to be together. SOme of the kids that took her already all raise up their hands. It was only me and the lady next to me that didn't took her prior to this. We felt so left out. There are a ratio of 5 girls to 1. So she put at least one guy with 5 girls in one group. They sitting across the room; and she assigns us to a group! I think I'm going to drop it, and take it with another teacher. I could also take it online, but that would be more work. I agree chola I hate working on problems in front of the class. At least you get to go up with a group lol. My math teacher makes us walk up there by ourselves.


Well-known member
I'm in this math class right now, and I just wish I could hide every time I go in that room because everyone else in there seems to know exactly what the instructor is talking about without any trouble.

We're the same on this one. Im such a slow learner. Makes college even worse


Well-known member
Omg, you just made my fear worse because I got my first schoolday tomorow.:mad:::(:::(: Now I think about all those introductions I gotta do for each teacher wich are like 10. 10 Times the shame, killing nerves, frustration, ...


Active member
Yes on the first day she assigns us up in a class. She even ask now who wants to be together. SOme of the kids that took her already all raise up their hands. It was only me and the lady next to me that didn't took her prior to this. We felt so left out. There are a ratio of 5 girls to 1. So she put at least one guy with 5 girls in one group. They sitting across the room; and she assigns us to a group! I think I'm going to drop it, and take it with another teacher. I could also take it online, but that would be more work. I agree chola I hate working on problems in front of the class. At least you get to go up with a group lol. My math teacher makes us walk up there by ourselves.

OK wow. I feel lucky. Thanks Supaflyz.


Well-known member
I can't sleep because my first day is tomorrow. I dread the part where the teacher goes around the room and wants to hear you talk about yourself.

Your speeches are 15 minutes? Wow I would hate that. Ours were 5-7


I don't go to college and probably never will but once when I was in regular school in the middle of the day I started having a major panic attack and had to basically rush to the bathroom ASAP during class, pretty much collapsed there in the stall, felt like I was dying. Teacher got pissed because it took so long for me to come back. Every second in there just made my anxiety get worse.


Well-known member
Not knocking your methods or anything, and it's a neat idea to venture out of the norm. But I think a fun activity that would require me to get to know others around me, would be a lot worse than just standing up and saying a couple things about myself.

I always dread the first days because you have to say something about yourself. I just recently started back up at school again, and the teacher made us stand up in front of everyone and say a little bit about ourselves. I wanted to die, I wanted to just leave right then. I had an idea of what I wanted to say in my head, and I just kept repeating it over and over and over again so I would know what to say when I got up there.

I realized something as everyone was getting up there and doing their introductions. 98% of the people were just as scared and nervous as I was. No one wants to get up in front of the class and talk, it sucks. So no one really cares what you say or how you look, because they are just focusing on getting through it themselves and moving on. You are not alone in your fears and it is not unnatural to be nervous to talk in front of a bunch of people.

Make it short and simple and sweet and it will be over.

I rambled there a bit, but you get the idea.
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