new drug to block out memory's


Well-known member
hi everyone , any of you heard anything about new drug that block memories , think it could be used for treatment of anxiety disorders ?? :)


Well-known member
I think it's the beta blocker propranolol, was reading about it a year or so ago, it's something to do with the effect it has blocking adrenaline, if i remember correctly adrenaline - or an effect of it - strengthens emotional memories.

Without that the memories won't be rehearsed and therefore forgotten to some extent. I read this a long time ago so it's probably been chinese whispered into complete bullshit inside my head...


Well-known member
I think that would be terrible. I'd never want to lose my memories. Just because a person has SA that doesn't mean they have horrible memories that "made" them that way. It may be true for some people, but I don't believe it's true for most. Not all of my memories are pleasant, but I still would not want to lose them. It's just far too creepy & reminds me of the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Any one who saw that movie knows how terrible the effect of losing memories can be.

I do believe that it would be very useful for people with PTSD, but not for people with social anxiety. If all my memories were gone, even just the bad ones, my social anxiety would still remain. I'm 100% certain of it & I think it would be the same way for most people.
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I'm the same lyricalliasons, I would never want to lose my memories, especially not just because I have SA. Maybe for people with PTSD it could be good, but SA is part of who I am and my memories are all of what I am, and even though things are hard, I wouldn't want to get rid of those memories because they've thought me so much.
If you block out all the bad things that have happened to you, how are you supposed to learn and grow?


ya don't need that stuff, there's energy (emotional) healing that does the same thing- erases the emotional intensity of every memory you want to. You still can remember the negative memory, but the memory seem empty boring haha... it's great, I got my shit together on the 27 November 08, and said Iam gona eliminate all my negative memories... big changes since then, I will get over SA for ****in sure. Today my landlord came to my home and we talked like it's no big deal, those feelings that Iam an outcast are just not here anymore, I feel like I fit in again, he will send a guy to fix my door later today and Iam looking forward to it (can't believe Iam saying this)... my mind is already workin the right way, no more beating up what I didn't do right, but instead I feel so alive and think of what I could do better next time in a positive direction. It's such a good feeling when your out of your own head and notice the things around you... I thought the landlord is a freak and had to laugh so hard when he scared my boxer dog

When The physical body is in pain or whatever it heals itself with time and those wounds dissapear... the energy body don't, time won't heal a thing, those wounds will stay