Never going to be fully cured


Well-known member
Everything has been going great for once in my life. I'm top grades, finally have more then one friend, and looking forward to a future. I just can't understand why I am still depressed though. I feel stupid telling people my issues, I want them to be happy and not worry about me. I hide my emotions day by day, but at the end of the day when I am alone the voices come back to haunt me. I'm scared of being alone, all my thoughts haunt me, voices in my head tell me I'm useless. I thought these days were over, but in the end, someone with schizophrenia can never be cured. The voices will always find me again no matter how long they have been gone they will return.

Dark angel

Well-known member
It's true. I agree with you. I've always said, that mental illness(in general, not just schizophrenia) is never entirely cured. Maybe controlled but there's always the chance of slipping and falling back if we are not careful. But you cannot think about that. You can't give space to those thoughts, as much as they hunt you, as much as they chase you. You must try to persuade them. Yes, there will be days when you are feeling down but those good moments you just describe yourself, try to cherish them and appreciate them as much as you can! In those happy moments where you are sharing with friends, hanging out, laughing, chatting and whatnot, there's no space for anything else but the sensation of feeling complete. The human being, mentally ill or not, is never entirely happy. That's what life is all about, living through sad moments in order to understand and appreciate in full the happier ones. In our case, the ones suffering for X or Y mental illness, the moments of sadness and feeling incomplete are usually deeper and longer but that doesn't mean we can enjoy as well moments of feeling fulfilled.
Everybody has issues, but mot everyone is entirely brave to talk about them, even the people that present themselves as living "perfect" lives are the ones that really suffer in hiding.

Whenever you feel those voices haunting you saying that you are "useless" or "worthless" you should fight them back thinking everything you have accomplished instead. You said it yourself, everything is going great, if this is true, then don't tarnish it with those useless and worthless thoughts.
P.S: I may not be the most qualified person to give you advice, as I understand where you are coming from and I'm living through something similar but is that same situation that allows me to give you my point of view. Hope it helps :)


Well-known member
Yeah, anxiety/schizoprhenia is a bit like a rabbit plague, it's all about management not eradication.
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Well-known member
rather than try to destroy it or hide it, You kinda just have to accept is as a part of you.