NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Changes


NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Changes

my situation is pretty extreme - begininning in december of 2004 i began leaving my house less and less for an unknown reason (i did not plan on it). basically i would leave my house (to go for walks, that's all i did) about once a month throughout 2005. in 2006 i left the house about 5 times (once to see a nutritionist to see if changing my diet would help which it didn't). in 2007 i went out a grand total of 2 times. in 2008 ZERO times. in early november 2009 i began seeing a therapist for about 3 months but stopped going after i realized i couldn't open up with him. the rest of 2010 i went out maybe 7 or 8 times.

from february 2011-january 2012 i saw a therapist at a local mental health clinic basically because it was free. my dad had lost his job in mid-2010 so that eliminated his insurance which meant that any private therapist (i looked all of them up on psychologytoday) would be around $100+ per visit. so at this clinic my therapist was chosen for me unlike the previous time in 2009. while i liked her i again could not open up during visits and the main reason i went for 11 months was it gave me a motivation/incentive to get out of the house and often i would combine therapy with going to my parents for dinner or lunch. i also was receiving klonopin from this clinic which enabled me to leave the house in the first place because besides depression i have severe anxiety and a very short temper. it also helped me around the house where i also have anxiety but nowhere near as bad.

in january the psychiatrist wanted me to go on antidepressants (i had taken about 10 different medications from ages 14-18, none helped and only gave me bad side effects including INCREASED ANXIETY and other horrible things, the only ones that worked w/o bad side effects were benzos) which i made clear i didn't want to do and so i ceased going. so between january and now i have tried to go out every other week (i had leftover klonopin that i could use when i needed to leave the house) but all i do basically is walk to my parents house and return home within a few hours. now that this is going on for SO LONG even though i still have very low energy, anxiety issues, anger issues, etc. i want to try to change so i don't spend my entire 20's basically indoors (i'm 28 now and this issue started when i was 20).

what i'm worried about (another thing i do alot is worry and overthink things) is finding the right therapist since i don't think i could ever get better on my own (i'm too weak and have too many emotional issues and also way too much anger to exist in this current society as is). my question is is it okay when i call these therapists to ask them a few personal questions about themselves (once of course i explain to them why i'm asking them questions)? this is crucial because i want to see someone who i can trust, open up to, and has a similar personality/outlook on the world. like i mentioned earlier a big issue i have besides anxiety is anger and i would also identify as somewhat of a misanthrope. so when i make the phone calls i want to ask just a little about the therapist themselves (i understand i'm the one with the issues seeking help, but i need to see a certain type of person that can understand me and also agrees with me politically which is very important to me i.e. they can't be a conservative or libertarian since alot of my issues are very politically based).

what would be some advice on doing this, and is it something that other people seeking therapy sometimes do? just a little background on myself in case your wondering how i got into this hole (and i'm summarizing here because i realize how long this message has already gotten). i was bullied pretty severely from 11-15. many of the people who bullied me in middle school were actually former friends of mine (from about the ages of 6-11) who for some unknown reason turned on me and so i think that really damaged me in some way. i dropped out of HS and got my G.E.D the following year. i never made any friends in HS (it's a little complicated exactly why but let's just say alot of bad luck and bad circumstances in the HS i attended). i had 3 friends that i met in 6th grade and stayed friendly with until they started college. this is when i think my life started to decline because i didn't have ANY confidence whatsoever (and still basically don't although i am more assertive now) and didn't know how to make new friends.

after summer 2004 (when my friends started to focus more on their studies and new friends) is when i really lost contact with my 2 remaining friends (the other pretty much stopped hanging out with me when he started college) and then 4 months later is when i stopped going out. i never have had a girlfriend and only went on a few dates. i love animals and would consider myself to be more of an extrovert believe it or not. a big issue that i have is that i am a VERY sensitive person, and i think this could be the reason (according to my parents) why i was bullied so much in school because i pretty much dressed normal, looked normal, was not effeminate or anything, and i also liked to laugh and joke around, i was sort of a "class clown" type of person. i also have some quirks/minor OCD like i can't stand bright lights and loud noises (which is very bad since i live right next door to a family who never walks their rottweiler and he barks numerous times throughout the day which i think has only made me even more anxious and worsened my situation). i live in 1 of the 5 boros of NYC so i share a fence with my neighbor so the dog is RIGHT THERE when he's outside barking.

i live alone in the house i grew up in since early june 2008 when my parents couldn't take living with me any more and also my 97 yr old grandfathers health was declining in the previous months so they left to take care of him. he passed away in sept 2008 and they have lived there ever since, which is about 30 blocks away from me. they provide me with food, shelter, cable tv, and internet. all i do all day is watch tv and go online (i consider myself an "information addict" so i spend alot of time on wikipedia and other sites reading about numerous different topics). my younger sister moved out to go to college in 2006 and has lived on her own ever since. i rarely talk to her and the only people actually that i talk to on a regular basis are my parents.

i have no friends, no life, absolutely nothing. the ONLY reason that i haven't committed suicide already is that i'm too afraid (i'm not an atheist but agnostic). so what would you recommend to me to at least change my life somewhat? i just want to be able to go out of the house more at this point and have some kind of normalcy in my life, visit family for the holidays, go for walks daily, etc. things like a job and a girlfriend are very much down the line for me but i really don't want to continue living like this and i worry about what could happen in the future if i don't get better. any suggestions on how i should handle this predicament would be greatly appreciated since i have no clue as to what the right thing to do is.


Active member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

For example, what does exactly prevents you to take a bicycle, go out and ride it for half hour each day ?


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

I think you have agoraphobia, though you should get an official diagnosis. Start with small changes, one step at a time. Go for a walk 5 minutes then once you feel confident, gradually increase it to 10, 15 minutes, etc.


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

Hi, and welcome to the forum.


I have similarities with you.

2004 was a key year when I'd been working perm, all ending in dismissal lasting less that a year. I think my boss or HR (clever people) thought they saw through me, that it's not healthy for a company to have an employee whose girlfriend turned her back on him

Bought a new home for us, and I've lived alone ever since. Some times of work no longer than 3 months, with bigger gaps between - some 2 years. A quarter or more. I don't have to argue with anyone living with me any more, but the people I do argue with are rectruiters, interviewers, and I am shaken by the phone, which never stops ringing.

Got no family or friends living anywhere near to my county at all

Had major antidepressants prescribed long-term due to epilepsy seizures, to stop them happening again. I see these physical episodes as brief and I recover to my normal.

My social status might have triggered the kind of inner panic attack at life's-end state. I refuse to accept that epileptic hazards harm me. I get better.

My mission is to earn a living, but haven't properly for a long time since 2004

I think I need some mental / soul / artificial make-up to appear and function as normal people see. Regular psychologist sessions (per quarter) don't improve anything.

I did think antidepressants made me dozy / zombie / slow thinking since 2005. Maybe some more anxiety too. Fumbling around offices - falling over, spilling coffee on carpet. Needing time in toilet cubicle to gather thoughts and get back together. New pills & dosage in 2012 makes me feel better like I did before 2004

Dealing with strangers is my main problem

I get to my gym as my main activity for weights, running, rowing, wishing there was a bodypunchbag. Can't speak to the people there. No friends
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

Hey Welcome to the forum. :) I relate to a lot of what you wrote, except the politics bit. But I am about the same age as you and I have suffered about the same length of time as you, I'm recovering, I go out nearly everyday now.

You have a really good attitude, wanting change and seem to be in the process of figuring out how to get it. I think that's admirable and certainly not easy after 8 years! Respect to you.

You mentioned seeing a nutritionist to help you, was that because you were suffering from some sort of anxiety related IBS which you thought may have been a food intollerance? which makes you uncomfortable about going outside? Or was it because you thought diet and anxiety might be linked?

Once again, I just want to tell you that I think you have a great attitude, really, admirable. Also you know a lot about yourself, also admirable. I don't see any reason why you won't make a full recovery.

As for choosing a therapist, I don't know. I got a good one. I think if you ask the therapist those questions, they likely won't answer in the manner you want them to but they may be able to answer you in a way that makes you feel more comfortable.


Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

thanks to everyone who responded. i just want to clarify a few things. i do not believe i have agoraphobia, even though i have some of the symptoms i have never had a panic attack in my life and i'm pretty sure that's a key part of agoraphobia. my main reasons for not going out are anxiety when walking down the street, lack of motivation/depression, anger issues (short temper), and worrying about running into people that know me from the past.

i think i made it clear in my initial post that medications have not helped me (only harmed me) in the past and i do not want to take them again. my issues are more emotional in nature so i don't think a psychotropic medication would help with that anyway, that's why i'm trying to find the right therapist i can open up to.


Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

For example, what does exactly prevents you to take a bicycle, go out and ride it for half hour each day?

i am depressed and have a real lack of energy or motivation to really do anything outside of the house. also i live in a major city and riding a bicycle would probably make me very anxious and is also a somewhat dangerous thing for me to do although i did ride my bike around occasionally when i was a teenager and less nervous/anxious.


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

the only suggestion i can offer is tiny, tiny steps, but regular ones. Practice just walking outside your front door and back into your house as your first step, for instance. If even that is too much, practice just putting your shoes on. The smaller the step the less scary and overwhelming, and more permanent. If it took you 8 years to where you got, it will help if it takes a bit longer to get to where you want to be.


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

I always wonder how people, who don't go outside, manage to get their daily stuff done. Like, paying bills.

If I wouldn't go outside, I'd lose my job, I couldn't pay my rent. And if I wouldn't look for a new job, the government wouldn't pay any unemployment money to me. So I'd be either be homeless or forced to move back to my family. Which is a burden I'd never place upon them.

So... just the fact of having to pay my bills keeps me moving forward.

I guess that people, who can afford to just stay at home for years (without being self employed or working from home), are carried along by other people. Maybe those other people should reduce the financial support.
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

^Thats a bit harsh.

Agoraphobia is a real illness like any other physical illness, it needs treatment the same as any illness would need treatment, if you were ill with a physical condition loved ones would be prepared to help you, why is it any different? Its impossible to describe what agoraphobia feels like to someone whos never experienced it, it isnt just 'I dont want to go outside' It is a lot more than that.
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

thanks to everyone who responded. i just want to clarify a few things. i do not believe i have agoraphobia, even though i have some of the symptoms i have never had a panic attack in my life and i'm pretty sure that's a key part of agoraphobia. my main reasons for not going out are anxiety when walking down the street, lack of motivation/depression, anger issues (short temper), and worrying about running into people that know me from the past.

Nobody here can diagnose you of course but just to let you know, I dont suffer panic attacks as such outside either but I suffered agoraphobia. I think the main symptom is not leaving the house. Its about having a safe place, like home or with your parents. Itll take therapy to really figure out why that is. I think youre right about seeking help in the form of therapy, I never had any good experience with meds either.


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

^Thats a bit harsh.

I didn't want to insult anyone. Neither did I say that people with phobias need no treatment. I just think that many such phobias develop over time (unless they are the result of a sudden traumatic experience). If your life doesn't allow you to give them time to develop, then you also have a greater chance to overcome them, I guess.
If people support you in such a way that your phobia has everything required to develop from a small quirk into a life crippling problem, then they might not have helped you as much as they really think.


Active member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

I always wonder how people, who don't go outside, manage to get their daily stuff done. Like, paying bills.

If I wouldn't go outside, I'd lose my job, I couldn't pay my rent. And if I wouldn't look for a new job, the government wouldn't pay any unemployment money to me. So I'd be either be homeless or forced to move back to my family. Which is a burden I'd never place upon them.

So... just the fact of having to pay my bills keeps me moving forward.

I guess that people, who can afford to just stay at home for years (without being self employed or working from home), are carried along by other people. Maybe those other people should reduce the financial support.

In such a scenrio, you have big problems
A big part of homelesses are people with mental problems, who loses jobs, supports and everything, and finishes sleeping under a bridge.


Active member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

I guess that people, who can afford to just stay at home for years (without being self employed or working from home), are carried along by other people. Maybe those other people should reduce the financial support.

I don't think that's psychologically sound. It's the kind of thing someone might do, meaning only well, but it would still produce... Not so satisfactory results.

Edit: To the quoted poster: By that I mean that I believe you mean well, too. :)
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Active member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

thanks to everyone who responded. i just want to clarify a few things. i do not believe i have agoraphobia, even though i have some of the symptoms i have never had a panic attack in my life and i'm pretty sure that's a key part of agoraphobia. my main reasons for not going out are anxiety when walking down the street, lack of motivation/depression, anger issues (short temper), and worrying about running into people that know me from the past.

i think i made it clear in my initial post that medications have not helped me (only harmed me) in the past and i do not want to take them again. my issues are more emotional in nature so i don't think a psychotropic medication would help with that anyway, that's why i'm trying to find the right therapist i can open up to.

Well, there's some debate on the topic, but in Sweden, at least, psychiatrist differentiate between agoraphobia with and without panic attacks.


Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

I always wonder how people, who don't go outside, manage to get their daily stuff done. Like, paying bills.

If I wouldn't go outside, I'd lose my job, I couldn't pay my rent. And if I wouldn't look for a new job, the government wouldn't pay any unemployment money to me. So I'd be either be homeless or forced to move back to my family. Which is a burden I'd never place upon them.

So... just the fact of having to pay my bills keeps me moving forward.

I guess that people, who can afford to just stay at home for years (without being self employed or working from home), are carried along by other people. Maybe those other people should reduce the financial support.

BUT I want and deserve an income. I did this for 6 solid years, and patchy short contracts since. My best way to go outside is when I have interview in another city or county. I am aware of a lot of people who LIKE to be supported and have enough food to eat, and never want to do this thing called WORK.

That's below me and I can barely understand the reason for it. The very worst social status I have is being not allowed to use my experience to do what I've done. This riles my anger really hard.

When employment took this dip, at a time of a girlfriend leaving me, I saw things coming. I predict events very well. Each brief job lets me see when it will end.

As this ghastly process of eliminating me from being hired showed me that I won't get out of it. So far, I am grasping threads of survival. I told myself that I will become violent

Today's events were being blacklisted by recruiters for not turning up for interview. This is an absolute communication failure, when I took many days to analyse the situation that 1. the clearly provided address and postcode did not legally exist, 2. 80 miles is too far from home to risk a journey for a permanent role. 3. The salary was well below (half) of other options in my area. I was told that my description was not enough to declare that I would not attend.

It's the first time I've really seen the phrase 'blacklisted', although I have been absolutely sure it's happened across the board with hundreds of agencies, when their limp finishing line is always 'good luck with your jobsearch!'.

No way to pay the bills, if after 9 years, data analyst is heavily advertised, and 240 interviews attended, when people exhibit their 'hands-n-heads' gesture, chuckling at me, where my ability of 6 years is not enough
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

That's a lot of issues, many issues & problems. Very hard to deal with. I know, as i have about 95% of what you stated (plus a fair few more!)

Although i can't say exactly what the solution/s is (which is always the hard part!), upon brief analysis, i have come to this conclusion of your situation (sequence of how the problems arise):

1) Dysfunctional thinking (neurotic/neuroses)
. . . "another thing i do alot is worry and overthink things"
. . . "big issue that i have is that i am a VERY sensitive person"
. . . "somewhat of a misanthrope"

2) Dysfunctional feelings
. . . "depression", "severe anxiety", "very short temper"
. . . "very low energy, anxiety issues, anger issues"

3) Dysfunctional actions/lifestyle/life
. . . "but all i do basically is walk to my parents house and return home"
. . . "spend my entire 20's basically indoors"
. . . "how i got into this hole"
. . . "when i really lost contact with my 2 remaining friends"
. . . "i also have some quirks/minor OCD like i can't stand bright lights and loud noises"
. . . "live alone"
. . . "all i do all day is watch tv and go online"
. . . "my younger sister ... i rarely talk to her and the only people actually that i talk to on a regular basis are my parents"
. . . "i have no friends, no life, absolutely nothing"

I can't say that ALL of your problems have happened in the above sequence, but i would say at least MOST have.

As to the solution part, i suppose you could try some things despite not really wanting to (low energy/motivation, anxiety, etc). But by-and-large, i think the most benefits & changes would be gained by starting at step 1 - your thoughts. Thoughts & beliefs are amazingly/deceptively powerful things!. When you can start to change those, then i believe you'll start feeling better, and then following that, your life will then start to reflect your better thoughts & feelings. That's the theory anyway!. (But can't say i have myself resolved my problems due to above process, or otherwise, as i haven't - is still very much a "work in progress" .. and i also have a few more "complicationg factors" that you haven't got; but i need to TRY HARDER to take some of my own medicine! lol).

There are MANY, MANY paths you could go down, to attempt to change your thought patterns. Off top of my head - CBT, RET, RSA. So there's certainly no shortage of possibilities out there. The problem will be to somehow get motivated enough to select one or more of them, and start seriously working on stuff.

Again, this is only my theory, that you need to focus mainly on your thoughts, thought patterns, & beliefs ... and that the rest will flow on from there.

Good luck with changing your life! :thumbup:


Well-known member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

^This pretty much describes me too. I am dysfunctional in all sorts of ways but you pointed out things that I was not aware of about myself.

I think DBT is worth looking into:

DBT Self Help


Active member
Re: NEED HELP - Barely Left Home In Over 8 Years, Want To Start Therapy & Make Change

my situation is pretty extreme -

just got erased what i was writing... lets go again! going back and foward out of this page to the one with a dictionary...


i could relate to many things.

cognitive behaviral therapy can help.

this website can help you.