My CHALLENGE 4 u...if u dare


Well-known member
Everyday is a challenge in itself now, so i guess I've already won ur challenge. Just looking sum1 in the eye is a big challenge now!!!!!:mad:


Well-known member
I do look ppl in the eye still and talk to them and like i said, its a BIG challenge, but i always undertake it and overcome...eventho im feeling extremely selfconscious and nervous.


Well-known member
Ok, I know we have social anxieties but what is your BIGGEST fear? Large crowds? One on one conversation? I want u to think about it. Could u stand in a large crowd without having to say a word? Could u stay in a small room with just one other person but had to talk to them?

I want to challenge you to chose what ur biggest fear is and face it. For just ONE minute. So starting 2moro (and I will check up on you) I want u to for just ONE MINUTE or 30 seconds ::p: try it and come back on here and tell me what u did and how it felt. Tell me what thoughts u had and how u came to do it, etc. JUST DO IT! I don't want to be the only one!

I accept your challenge!


Well-known member
Fedupoffear88 keep up the good work even tho it's hard.

Miami, what challenge will u face 2moro? All the best!
Oh for a minute I thought forgotten said he was afraid of very large clouds.
I was going to say that's very interesting.

For the topic, I'm going to a Dallas Mavericks game. Does that count? Or do I have to talk to someone while I'm there? Because I'm pretty sure that's out of the question.
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Well-known member
Toolshuggah, it counts if it's one of ur fears. Step by step is all I ask.

Today I didn't meet my goal. Yes, I talked to someone but maybe just for 10 seconds. That being said, I am going to have to start smaller :( and work my way up to 30 seconds, etc.

How about the rest of you?


I hate speaking to people one on one,so I'm going to buy a mic tomorrow so I can finally chat to my mates while playing the 360 online.
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Well-known member
Awesome guys! Good 2 hear. Today went much better for me. Made a bit more eye contact and smiled a bit more. Having trouble engaging in conversation with certain people tho. I feel my "daringness" comes from confidence. Now how to get more of that...?


Well-known member
lol great! While ur there, remember some details u can what were the ppl like? Anything really. That way I know u didn't just walk in and out while holding ur breath.

petrified eyes

Well-known member
I didn't call my friend, but I did send her a text message asking if she could call me (thanks mismeek) and she replied that she would when she gets time. So, not exactly what I set out to do but close enough!


I have a interview Thursday so I'll definitely check back to tell you how it went..I probably wont even leave the house today :/


Well-known member
I can understand not wanting to be video tape for privacy reasons but It be good if people could use a recorder and post up some of their achieved challenges.

I am going to the movies on Friday it’s not a huge anxiety for me but it does make me a little on edge enough for my skin to break out in a rash. Also depends on how busy it is.

Good luck everyone!
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Well-known member
so i did it :)

It doesnt look too bad i suppose hehh...
It was just as bad as i thought it was gonna be though anxiety wise :/
every cloud has a silver lining, and well the outcome was good, the anxiety was lying to me :)


Well-known member
Good to hear about your days guys! I find it comforting that when I struggle with tasks like these, that someone out there relates with me and that kinda helps in the moment too :D Today I didn't do much but yesterday I went to a lounge with 2 friends. You know what that means. Music, lotza ppl and noise. Oh boy. I struggle when I'm left at my table alone (like when they go to the bathroom and leave me there :() Like, what the heck?! Now what?! I usually pick up a menu or start "texting" (pretending sometimes). How pathetic is that!! What do you guys do? Do you feel awkward then too? And what do you do? Or think?
Good luck on 2moro's goals!