My brain is killing me


Well-known member
My brain is ruining everything- my personal life, my work, education, conversations. I can't cope anymore.

I spent a lot of time alone since being a kid, so I developed an over-active brain. There are always thoughts, mostly negative in my conscious. Its become natural, my brain is wandering even while I'm typing this.

I can't hold a conversation, my brain is too busy thinking about what to say next. I tried to talk to a girl earlier, but i was thinking 'what do I say next? does she want rid of me? Am I boring?'. I make a mess at home 'cos my brain distracts me from clearing up after myself. I can't focus on jobs, driving, tests or physical tasks, my overbearing mind is always worrying me. I often find it difficult to sleep.

The only way I can really take my mind off things is listening to pumping loud music, the thoughts stop, a beautiful feeling :)

I think I need help from a psychaitrist, I feel I'm going crazy.


Well-known member
^ Try not to over think things
Why dont you try writing the things that are on your mind down; that way if its down on paper it should help your mind to relax


Well-known member
You should see a therapist. They always have them at schools and at office workplaces incase you need to see someone for this type of problem.
I'm pretty sure that- apart from talking- any therapist would advise you to try relaxation techniques to calm yourself and possibly work on cognitive behavioral therapy to help you stop overthinking.

I overthink much of the time as well. It's so hard- impossible- to shut off your brain when you want to but with practice, you'll find it easier to at least slow your thoughts down to a pace more manageable.


Well-known member
Sounds to me like you'd benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It can help with challenging negative thoughts and slowing down the pace at which you think. Your thinking also massively affects how you feel and behave and it can help with making you realise how strong this connection is.
Good luck


Well-known member
whatever you do - just don't take any Benzos from a doctor. You will regret it.

I second that!! You are definately the type who could get addicted to Benzos and have a real hard time getting off of them. I sounds to me like you need some serious mental stimulation. I recommend trying to keep your mind focused on something at all times. Exercise a lot too, it will help trust me. Listen to your music when you exercise, and play video games, and websurf.

Try and keep your mind distracted and busy at all times. This something that I had to do for my own therapy. It was very difficult at first, but if you work at it, it will get easier and you will lose a lot of the negative thought patterns. :)



Every word in every sentence in your first post in this thread describes just about everything about me and the way I've been since childhood. I won't have to describe myself again, or go round everything in my head over and over again. Now I know where I stand. Now I'm comfortable, and more relaxed.

Thank You

Anything else you want to say... I'm listening
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