Music helps me overcome it.


Well-known member
When it comes to getting out and going places that involves meeting tons of new people, I refuse. I don't like being put in situations where I have to be surrounded by people(especially people I don't even know) or crowded and forced to make chit chat becaue that will only further me to freeze up and panic. But I hate that means limiting myself to what I do and am exposing myself to because I'm so afraid, some days I let my anxiety rule my actions fully and other days I think about how I'm still so young and don't want to feel like I'm letting life slip by. So the first time my sister asked me if I wanted to go to my first concert I was like sure, it was Ozzfest and you don't say no to that. I was so nervous though, the usual thoughts but when I got there, you just get so into the music and everything that you don't think about everyone else. There were times when I needed to be alone for a minute but I ended up really enjoying myself. I went to see Korn last year which was the absolute sh-t and this year I plan on seeing Breaking Benjamin, hopefully getting to do this at least twice a year. Makes me feel good because no one is paying attention to you and everyone is focusing on having a good time. Btw, if anyone knows of any Slipknot tour dates...I'd love to know!

Anyone else have something that they enjoy and also helps them by putting them out there in situations where they kinda have to interact with people?
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Well-known member
True, I only enjoy the energy of crowds at gigs or festivals. I get a little self-conscious bc I'm short though and have to jump and wiggle a lot between bodies in order to see. I'm going to soundwave next year yaaaay.


Well-known member
True, I only enjoy the energy of crowds at gigs or festivals. I'm going to soundwave next year yaaaay.

Ha, awesome! I know what you mean. Doesn't make me feel so isolated or singled out because everyone is there for the same reasons and no ever pays attention to you much, unless you get thrown in a mosh pit lol.


Why don't you listen when I try to talk to you
Stop thinking of yourself for just a second fool
Shut up,shut up,I don't wanna hear your mouth
Your mother made a monster,now get the hell out of my house

Can't stand it for another day
I ain't gonna live my life this way
Cold sweat,my fists are clenching
Stomp,stomp,stomp the idiot convention

Which one of these words don't you understand?
I'm Caught in a Mosh!
Talking to you is like clapping with one hand

What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!

Don't tell me how to do my job
There's the door,your name's on the knob
You're always in the way like a beast on my back
Were you dropped as a baby 'cause brains you lack

Can't stand it for another day
I ain't gonna live my life this way
Cold sweat,my fists are clenching
Stomp,stomp,stomp, the idiot convention
Which one of these words don't you understand?
I'm Caught in a Mosh
Talking to you is like clapping with one hand

What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!

Think before you speak or suffer for your words
Learn to give respect that others give to you
AAAAAAAAAAAH,The best you can

Hey man,I'm trying to reason but you don't understand
Talking in circles,we'll never get it straight
Just you and me in our theatre of hate
Can't stand it for another day
I ain't gonna live my life this way
Cold sweat,my fists are clenching
Stomp,stomp,stomp,the idiot convention
Which one of these words don't you understand?
I'm Caught in a Mosh!
Talking to you is like clapping with one hand

What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!
What is it? Caught in a Mosh!


Well-known member
Sometimes I find the crowd at concerts intimidating, especially when waiting in the line. This one girl thought it was funny to stick a corporate sticker on my back but luckily my friends stood up for me. It's funny when girls wear heels and formal dresses in the mosh and use their bra as a purse. -facepalm- This was a few years ago and I can't go to certain indoor concerts anymore due to photophobia now so I've drifted away from these friends too. This upset me a lot because they were the only occasions where I could go euphorically crazy and lose my voice without the reason being I'm a mute!


Well-known member
music festivals are a great way to expose yourself to the realisation that we're all very similar and that most people dont really talk alot anyway, they are just living and experiencing. whenever i go with a few friends we'll talk and have fun but there are just as many moments where we sit around not saying a whole lot and because we know each other it doesn't really matter how we are around each other. the atmosphere feels like a religious experience. like you are on some high especially if the band are playing well. you'll also find that the more you go to places and events like this, the more chance that you'll bump into other people and make new friends and perhaps someone that has alot in common with you.

i went to a pearl jam gig the other night and the atmosphere felt like the roof was about to blow off especially when they played their punkier toe tapping songs
(spin the black circle and do the evolution etc). its even better if you are really into the bands playing and you know the songs sincerely because you sing the words along with the crowd.

my favourite festival was the big day out in 2001. so many great bands played. queens of the stone age, nine inch nails, underworld, at the drive in, primal scream. it was too overwhelming.


Well-known member
hell yeah, whenever I go to concerts, I'm as cool as ever. I get no worries and vibe to the music, one of the few places I can let loose and be myself. No conversations to worry about making. Almost got into a few fights though, people push me out of my spot, are you serious? I usually go in the front row though so that just causes problems lol


Well-known member
music festivals are a great way to expose yourself to the realisation that we're all very similar and that most people dont really talk alot anyway, they are just living and experiencing. whenever i go with a few friends we'll talk and have fun but there are just as many moments where we sit around not saying a whole lot and because we know each other it doesn't really matter how we are around each other. the atmosphere feels like a religious experience. like you are on some high especially if the band are playing well.

Well said, this was my experience too. I also loved when the bouncers poured water all over us :D

I hate it when people take your spot, especially tall people who are right in front of you glued to the barrier, but I guess that's the point of going in the mosh. >:/


Well-known member
Agreed. I love them. Especially outside events. I've been in a mosh pit once and it was f*cking scary for a second but I held my own enough to get out and get to the front lol.


Well-known member
i want to go to see florence and the machine or emilie autumn,their so cool that i wouldnt care about my SA.theirs a big music festival (biggest in ireland) just out the road from where live and i MUST go sick of missing out on everything


Active member
i used to get major anxiety in my stomache after i smoked weed by myself. i would just start worrying about every little thing going on at the time. the second i put on my headphones with some good tunes my anxiety would completely melt away and i would feel completely calm.


Well-known member
Isn't music great? I love rock festivals. The last one I attended was the Rock am Ring in 2000 or 2001. I basically just went to see System of a Down. \
Anyway, listening to music helps me when I have to walk around down town. Rock music is the best to walk around to. It gives me that little extra bounce in my step.

Oh you're so f*cking lucky, System is amazing. But I agree with you, makes me feel like I could kick butt if I needed too lol.


Well-known member
i used to get major anxiety in my stomache after i smoked weed by myself. i would just start worrying about every little thing going on at the time. the second i put on my headphones with some good tunes my anxiety would completely melt away and i would feel completely calm.

Oh yeah, I know what you mean. I could tell you some stories lol.


Well-known member
Without music, life would be much more boring.

Went to my first concert at 21 to see Morrissey. Excellent music for SA people.

Social Distortion/Mike Ness's music probably saved my sanity if not my life in my late teens, at the peak of my depression. Love that band dearly...