most brutal film you've ever seen


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I really couldn't speak of just one i have watched plenty of horror and war movies so there's a lot to go through. :lol:


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I loved "Old Boy"- one of the best films I saw last year. It's free on demand if anyone has that and wants to see it. And I don't think that movie was especially brutal, but it had it's parts. I'm not one of those people who relishes a really violent movie. If it tells a good enough story and has well developed characters then violence is okay, but violence for violence sake doesn't turn me on. The slow-mo car crash in "Death Proof" was pretty damn brutal. And I never saw the whole thing, but I caught a bit of "Scarface" the other day and it looked super-violent. 8O


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mainly the tongue cutting scene in old boy, That makes me cringe. so discusting!

they are re-making or making a sequal or something to oldboy, except not asian
Willsmith... :cry:


Well-known member
durda_dan said:
mainly the tongue cutting scene in old boy, That makes me cringe. so discusting!

they are re-making or making a sequal or something to oldboy, except not asian
Willsmith... :cry:

Really? Any word on a director? Hopefully whoever it is, they don't butcher it, or dumb it down for English audiences. I think there could be better choices for the main character, but Will Smith is a pretty strong actor at his best, and I can picture him in the role. But I have a feeling the father/daughter incest thing will be out. Kudos if they have the balls to keep it.

I know he's busy with other stuff, but my choice to direct it would be Tarantino, he was notably a big fan of "Old Boy", he wanted it to get the Palme d'Or at Cannes, but it lost out to "Fahrenheit 9/11".


Well-known member
actually i think spielburg and willsmith are directing it together....
and i don't think will would be good, because Old dea su was ugly, a lowlife really.
they need like MC hammer to be him


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By far the most violent and disgusting movie I have ever seen (partly, cause I had to switch it off) was the Japanese film 'Men behind the Sun' aka 'Black Sun 731' about Japanese war atrocities. The movie is too graphic: from the actual, real-life feeding of two cats to a bunch of rats and then burning the rats to scenes showing (not real-life!) decompression of bodies and freezing down hands and feet and then stripping the skin to the bones..ok, just writing this is making me sick, probably because this actually happened :cry: :evil:


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Naniwazu said:
By far the most violent and disgusting movie I have ever seen (partly, cause I had to switch it off) was the Japanese film 'Men behind the Sun' aka 'Black Sun 731' about Japanese war atrocities. The movie is too graphic: from the actual, real-life feeding of two cats to a bunch of rats and then burning the rats to scenes showing (not real-life!) decompression of bodies and freezing down hands and feet and then stripping the skin to the bones..ok, just writing this is making me sick, probably because this actually happened :cry: :evil:

OH MY GOD, I couldn't even get through that movie, that is definately the most brutal movie i've ever seen, even more so because it's based on real life.


Well-known member
Naniwazu said:
By far the most violent and disgusting movie I have ever seen (partly, cause I had to switch it off) was the Japanese film 'Men behind the Sun' aka 'Black Sun 731' about Japanese war atrocities. The movie is too graphic: from the actual, real-life feeding of two cats to a bunch of rats and then burning the rats to scenes showing (not real-life!) decompression of bodies and freezing down hands and feet and then stripping the skin to the bones..ok, just writing this is making me sick, probably because this actually happened :cry: :evil:

yeah unfortunately they made a grip of sequels to that one.

Other brutal films worthy of mention:

Philosophy of a Knife
August Underground series


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Kenny Glenn beating up his cat on Youtube was the only video I've ever watched that I had to turn off. And some of the factory farming stuff on there.

Not really "movies" though.

I guess some parts of "Boys Don't Cry" were pretty terrible. The true stories are always worse for me. Those scenes stuck in my mind. That's the only one I can think of right now.


Well-known member
when i first saw 'a clockwork orange' i thought that was pretty brutal/shocking.
so was the original 1972 version of 'last house on the left.'


Well-known member
when i first saw 'a clockwork orange' i thought that was pretty brutal/shocking.
so was the original 1972 version of 'last house on the left.'

Oh yeah! Clockwork Orange is pretty awful actually. Still a good movie and a really good book, but parts of it are really disturbing.


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Wizard Oz......The flying monkeys are disturbing and the part where the witch melts after getting water thrown at her was disturbing....Ha only joking:D

I think one of the most disturbing films i have seen is the Passion of the Christ, the part when he get's whipped and he's torn to shreds is the worst, and i had tears in my eyes watching it.


Well-known member
the most brutal film I've ever seen is Dagon (based on an H. P. Lovecraft story)

the scariest movie I've ever seen though is Jesus Camp - utterly terrifying...