Many of you will relate to this


Well-known member
Nice i also read a artical about over rated exersise two good artical need to start doing something


Well-known member
Just took a mental a**whooping. That was great albeit a tough nut to swallow. Not going to lie, it hurt my feelings :p but was insightful as well. Needed to hear some harsh truth, or rather tough love. Thanks for posting, think I'll accept that challenge. Let's dooo it!
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Well-known member
Thanks for posting this article. I enjoyed reading through it. One of the main problems that many of us have is that we think a lot but don't do much. We are great reflective thinkers but not so much doers. I have started learning new skills this year but social interaction still eludes me.


I think this article is superficial and misleading, he mixes together apples and pears, like usually. As if he wanted to say that only people who are good at someting, or have many skills and do a lot of things, have worth, while those who are not that succesful, have no worth. Which many will not agree with me, but I find skewed. By which I am not saying it not good to keep learning, struggling and achieving, but it is not going to let me look down on those who for some reason didn´t manage so well. Btw I don´t know why he chose to bring that silly example with someone needing first aid and that guy saying that he can´t do it, but he is just a nice guy and that´s enough. I think that´s just a silly choice of example, why would someone chose to say that in this situation. Saying that you´re nice is not an excuse in situations where some skills are required. I think that a person can really be nice, honest etc., but not so smart or succesul and saying that you´re nice is no appropriate excuse for that, because it is an UNRELATED thing. As for being succesful, only hard work, good luck, talent, intelligence are needed. It is one thing, being nice is other. That´s why saying that you´re nice can´t be taken as a valid excuse for not trying enough. But that doesn´t mean you really can´t be nice. I did have meet people who didn´t know much, but were nice. Why that should be contradictory? Only they didn´t use their niceness as an excuse, which is what that author of the article still keeps implying. IMO he is subtly manipulating. Agreeing with him on everything means throwing the baby out with bath water. If he denies that stupid or incapable people have some worth at all, he is close to proposing they should be shot. But, everyone has their unique life path and are in diferent stages of evolution. Why should be those, who are not that evolved yet, be of lower worth than those smart achievers? I mean there is never excuse for being lazy, but that´s everyone´s personal problem how much they chose to work on themselves. We shouldn´t judge anyone on how much they do, instead look after ourselves. As for me personally, I admit I am stupid at many things, like math etc., and have no excuses for it, but that doesn´t make me totally worthless I hope. It´s better than being a smart, but corrupted mafioso after all :bigsmile:.


Well-known member
I think you need to realise the entire article is referring to modern society's (and not individualistic) views of people in a consumerist, corporate culture. It does not reflect how people should treat others personally. Society is repeatedly mentioned in the article.


I think you need to realise the entire article is referring to modern society's (and not individualistic) views of people in a consumerist, corporate culture. It does not reflect how people should treat others personally. Society is repeatedly mentioned in the article.

I know what you mean. I think it is especially written as a response to "nice guys" who complain they can´t get women or act as if things were due to them without working for it.. that´s how he meant it, but I think he insults kindness and niceness generally along with it.