Making Phone Calls?


New member
Grrrr, I have to make a simple call to the bank right now but I keep putting it off and feeling all nervous about it for no good reason. I feel so childish and pathetic. I actually envy people who can just pick up the phone and call whoever without feeling all nervous about it. Anyone else get nervous for phone calls or have any tips?


Well-known member
I have trouble making phone calls like that. :(
I can't phone to order pizza, I can't phone to make myself a hair/dentist appointment. I even have trouble calling family members that I don't call on a daily basis!

You just have to do it. Spending hours worrying about it only makes it worse. Do it...NOW! As soon as you see this.

Actually, to be honest...I take a sheet of paper and write a script of exactly what I'm going to say and read it out. :rolleyes:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Grrrr, I have to make a simple call to the bank right now but I keep putting it off and feeling all nervous about it for no good reason. I feel so childish and pathetic. I actually envy people who can just pick up the phone and call whoever without feeling all nervous about it. Anyone else get nervous for phone calls or have any tips?

I wish I did have some advice. Making phone calls is one of my worst anxiety inducing situations for me. It bothers me so much, I've even persuaded other people to make calls on my behalf in the past. ::(: I think it's the fear that the conversation may head in a direction I wasn't anticipating, or I'll be asked something I wasn't expecting, but those things could happen in face to face conversations, and yet those don't create the same anxiety levels for me.


Well-known member
Perhaps write down what you need to say, and then just read it. It sounds silly but it works for me when I have to get on the intercom at work.


Well-known member
only if im drunk and i have to ring my gf on a fri night :rolleyes: trying not to slur is almost impossible after 8 cans :D


Well-known member
I've always had trouble making phonecalls. I always keep putting it off and putting it off every time I need to make a call. I have missed several calls before to cause I'm to nervous to pick up the phone when I don't know who it is. Wish more people would leave voice mail


Well-known member
I can't order food or anything either. And when people call I usually let it go to voicemail.


Active member
I used to have this problem bad, but it gradually went a way. Working at a call center will do that lol. So many people called and did exactly the things I was so scared of (studdering, having trouble explaining their problem, forgetting what they were going to say) that I realized it wasn't a big deal.


Well-known member
I've always had trouble making phonecalls. I always keep putting it off and putting it off every time I need to make a call. I have missed several calls before to cause I'm to nervous to pick up the phone when I don't know who it is. Wish more people would leave voice mail

I do this with phone calls because I'm afraid my voice is too weak and I'm not forceful enough. I also do the same thing with putting off replying to emails for no good reason to avoid the anxiety


Well-known member
Yeah i'm the same. I always make my mum order my take aways and speak to anyone who rings for me that is other than my friends.


New member
I have to call my doctor because my medicine needs to be adjusted, but I've been putting it off for about a month now. I normally get my boyfriend to make appointments for me.


Well-known member
I do this with phone calls because I'm afraid my voice is too weak and I'm not forceful enough. I also do the same thing with putting off replying to emails for no good reason to avoid the anxiety

For some reason I'm okay replying to email and chats and stuff.. but offlines another story.. Specially the phone thing. Lots of people have told me to speak up multiple times when I don't realize myself speaking so low.


Well-known member
Ugh, I hate making phone calls too. Usually if it's to some professional branch I don't have a problem, but if it's calling friends then I have serious anxiety. Even with my closest friends I can't pick up the phone to call them. It sucks and it's so sad. I wish it were easier.


Same issue here.

One thing that helps me a little (esp. when it comes to non-personal stuff like calling a bank, ordering food, etc.) is writing out the key things I want to say on a piece of paper and keeping it in front of me. That way I never have to worry about fumbling for words and I feel a bit more confident in holding up my end of the dialog.


Well-known member
There are only 3 people, who can reach me via telephone, and who I'm able to call: my mom, my dad and my best friend.
Otherwise I don't even use my cell.


Active member
I have a huge problem using the phone, for me its usually not a problem when calling people I know well though. It started for me in a job where I had to cold call people, not the easiest job for even those without SA. If the phone rings too long on the other end, the anxiety goes up a lot as I worry I'm not going to be able to get out what I want to say, it's just the anticipation.

I've tried writing a script of what to say like others and making the call as soon as I have to, both seem to help.

A l a n

Active member
I wish I did have some advice. Making phone calls is one of my worst anxiety inducing situations for me. It bothers me so much, I've even persuaded other people to make calls on my behalf in the past. ::(: I think it's the fear that the conversation may head in a direction I wasn't anticipating, or I'll be asked something I wasn't expecting, but those things could happen in face to face conversations, and yet those don't create the same anxiety levels for me.

Same with me. I have a harder time speaking on the phone than in person.