Maintaining mystery over your SA/depression is better than being upfront about it


Well-known member
I tend to be pretty much an open book. It really doesn't bother me at all if people know I have mental issues or they know I'm a virgin. Whenever I get the old "why are you so quiet?" question, I do my best to explain SAD to them. I'd rather they knew I was a normal person underneath the mental disorder than think I was some rude, antisocial weirdo. If anyone should try to make fun of me for something, they will find it's totally ineffective. Someone on here (I forget who) has it in their signature that you cannot be hurt without your consent. I totally agree in this situation. It can only hurt you if you allow it to.
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I mostly don't tell anyone because most people have never heard of SA or have little to no knowledge about it.

Also most of the people I interact with are other High school students, telling something like that would just be stupid.

Of course If your SA is serious, then there really isnt any way to hide it.


Active member
Luckily for me, I pull off mysterious. Unluckily for me, that only works to a certain point. At some point you need to open up, and if social phobia is something you deal with every day, then opening up is tied to talking about social phobia with people who may judge you for it.

For me, the fear is not so much the fact that I am telling someone that I have social phobia, but rather certain patterns that I know eventuate. I am scared of a predictable reaction. Because somewhere deep down, I either know, or think I know, the inner workings of the world, mentality, society, conditioning, etc.

And to see it play out in front of me like some kind of planned stage show, is discouraging, since I would rather the world be deeper, and less predictable (part of being deeper) than it is. Probably because I want the world to be like me. Which is kind of interesting, because that is a form of ego. Yet here I am, with absolutely no seeming ego, except in a few thought processes. Where exactly is the disconnect from one extreme to the other.


Well-known member
I feel very sad reading these posts and hearing how people have such issues accepting those with SA. Wish I could give you all a hug. (hug)


Well-known member
Hey WHY,

If you met a girl and you started to get close, she would be like the way you are.

You would'nt blurt out the very first second you saw her "I HAVE SA"

Usually the more close you become the more you give away about yourself.

So look out ladies here comes WHY

Sorry to hijack this thread
"cupid" I mean Darryl::eek::

but i put up a facade quite well so I would still need to break the news sooner or later