loneliness Depression


Well-known member
its so hard for me to keep my spirits up, every couple days, no matter how hard i try, i fall back down. man isnt meant to be this isolated, thats why god gave adam eve, so adam wouldnt end up like me. being alone makes everything worthless, i just laid in my bed today with my hands between my legs, i just wanted to become nothing, being nothing is better than being depressed and lonely everyday. Luckily this level of depression eases up after a while, but i never really feel happy, it goes from really depressed to notsomuch, never happy. Loneliness is possibly the biggest scurge, most ppl dont really understand it cus they have ppl around them their entire life. I laugh when ppl complain about their significant other, or their friend. I wish they would think about what it would be liek to be a solitary figure, all alone in a room everyday. They would definitely go settle all the differences with their friends and appreciate what they have. Today I looked at my computer and I just realised, my only connection to the world is through this thing, I looked at myself sitting alone and almost cried a bit. well this is more like a blog than a thread, so just ignore it, i just need to vent or ill be depressed for too long.
Hey kuze, there are a lot of people going through what you're going through. Just think of this - in the US alone, 30,000 people kill themselves every year - that's almost 100 a day(!). It always blows my mind to think about that. And those are just the ones that actually succeed. There must be 100 times that who are depressed to the point of wanting to die. You're not alone.

It always helped me to think about that when I felt really isolated and depressed.


Well-known member
From an outside perspective it sounds like you really need to consider taking medication. Medication will balance out your emotions so you won't get that low. I know that feeling, it is a feeling I never want again and since I have been taking my meds for the past 7 months I haven't.

If you afraid of taking a medication, think about this. Could it be any worse then it already is? The medication will make you feel evened out so to speak and you will want to start improving yourself. Give the medication time, I read on here all the time people quit after a week or two. The medication starts to work after a month or two or even three sometimes. The first couple of weeks were hell on the medication, but now I can actually go through my day without feeling depressed all of the time. It's a nice feeling, even when I am lonely.