Life begins at 50


Well-known member
She is super cute! And yes, as I get older I feel I am actually living more deeply and happily. John Lennon was quoted as saying life begins at 40, sadly he didn't see much more than that, but it does seem that he knew what he was talking about. These middle aged years are wonderful. The food tastes better, sex is better, heck, it's all better! Lots of life to live yet :)


Well-known member
She is super cute! And yes, as I get older I feel I am actually living more deeply and happily. John Lennon was quoted as saying life begins at 40, sadly he didn't see much more than that, but it does seem that he knew what he was talking about. These middle aged years are wonderful. The food tastes better, sex is better, heck, it's all better! Lots of life to live yet :)

Funny. I was thinking of Lennon singing that song.


Well-known member
Huh. I've long had the feeling that my life ended at forty.

Maybe I have a second wind coming? :thinking:
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Im 42. People constantly think I'm around 30 (thanks to my mom! She was always telling me to slather on that Oil of Olay and she looks like the original Barbie Doll still to this day.) But despite aging well, I feel like I'm 142. I can't seem to get it together even though I try and try. Does anyone have the secret key I seem to be missing here?


Well-known member
Im 42. People constantly think I'm around 30 (thanks to my mom! She was always telling me to slather on that Oil of Olay and she looks like the original Barbie Doll still to this day.) But despite aging well, I feel like I'm 142. I can't seem to get it together even though I try and try. Does anyone have the secret key I seem to be missing here?

Get a high-status job. That impresses people, even if one's social skills are not perfect.


Well-known member
Im 42. People constantly think I'm around 30 (thanks to my mom! She was always telling me to slather on that Oil of Olay and she looks like the original Barbie Doll still to this day.) But despite aging well, I feel like I'm 142. I can't seem to get it together even though I try and try. Does anyone have the secret key I seem to be missing here?

I'm 42 too :) Coincidentally, I also FEEL physically 142, lol!


I just realized there HAS to be some magic secret to life after 40 that we are missing. I have a suspicion Johnny Depp possesses it. He looks damn good for over 50 and he owns an island in the Bahamas. He holds the secret.
42 is a rough one. Between the plucking grey hairs out of my head to the scary fact I just got my first pair of bifocals (which are impossible to adjust to-I walk like a drunk toddler when I wear them. So I tend to use them as a hairband on top of head). I hope someone shares some of their wisdom!


Well-known member
I just realized there HAS to be some magic secret to life after 40 that we are missing. I have a suspicion Johnny Depp possesses it. He looks damn good for over 50 and he owns an island in the Bahamas. He holds the secret.
42 is a rough one. Between the plucking grey hairs out of my head to the scary fact I just got my first pair of bifocals (which are impossible to adjust to-I walk like a drunk toddler when I wear them. So I tend to use them as a hairband on top of head). I hope someone shares some of their wisdom!

Couldn't think of any secrets because I got stuck on the idea of Johnny Depp. Mmmmmmmmmmm, Johnny Depp! :inlove:


50 the new 40? I have to ponder that one. It amazes me that some people who are 50+years old (we can take a second here to think of Mr. Depp again. Yummy yummy lickable) lived rough lives-drugs, abuse, etc.-and despite the stresses of their life styles look great and are able to live good lives. I grew up "normal" but last few years I hit so many glitches that I'm stuck. I want to be happy little pixie who has dreams and goals. But for the life of me can't think of any. Is it a midlife crisis? Is 42 midlife? Ugh!!!!!!


Well-known member
50 the new 40? I have to ponder that one. It amazes me that some people who are 50+years old (we can take a second here to think of Mr. Depp again. Yummy yummy lickable) lived rough lives-drugs, abuse, etc.-and despite the stresses of their life styles look great and are able to live good lives. I grew up "normal" but last few years I hit so many glitches that I'm stuck. I want to be happy little pixie who has dreams and goals. But for the life of me can't think of any. Is it a midlife crisis? Is 42 midlife? Ugh!!!!!!

I know what you're saying. I think it is shell shock from the harsh realities of this world. It's a big scary place, and people are so non-peaceful :sad:
I think it's a sign of intelligence that people like us don't get caught up in the trappings of the world (like what the Kardashians are wearing). We can sense that it isn't what life is all about but since we don't run with the herd we don't quite fit in, and our desire to be accepted leaves us anxious and sad.


I know what you're saying. I think it is shell shock from the harsh realities of this world. It's a big scary place, and people are so non-peaceful :sad:
I think it's a sign of intelligence that people like us don't get caught up in the trappings of the world (like what the Kardashians are wearing). We can sense that it isn't what life is all about but since we don't run with the herd we don't quite fit in, and our desire to be accepted leaves us anxious and sad.

You made me laugh! I have for years refused to let friends use the word "Kardashian" I front of me.

You also brought up something that I haven't thought of: how ridiculously insane and loopy the planet it is and how its unescapable due to constant media. I did not realize I stopped watching the news, radio, etc. (But somehow, the Kardashians still creep into my secluded world!). Instead of loving and wanting to get out and experience life, I started hiding from it. I used to spontaneously get in car with friends and go on road trips, decide I wanted to see palm trees so I would buy tickets for following week to fly to wherever palm trees are, etc. I had no fear. Did getting old hinder me?

I want to fix that before my birthday next year. I now have a goal to work towards. You made a difference in someone 's life today! :)


Well-known member
Johnny Depp looks great don't get me wrong but I actually though he looked almost 50 in his latest movie.
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Johnny Depp looks great don't get me wrong but I actually though he looked almost 50 in his latest movie.

Oh golly, Miss Molly,
I must confess, I also thought he was looking a bit "aged ". I still own the Bop magazine centerfold of him when 21 Jump Street first aired. My devotion and loyalty blinds me at times.
I believe he is over 50 (possibly 54). I think he is looking a little older due to the fact he moved back to the US, dating that very young actress, and hanging out with Marilyn Manson late into the early hours. He wasnt partying when he was living in France with his kids.
I'm trying to think of any celebrity women who are aging well but I'm pulling a total blank. Isn't that sad?


Well-known member
You made me laugh! I have for years refused to let friends use the word "Kardashian" I front of me.

You also brought up something that I haven't thought of: how ridiculously insane and loopy the planet it is and how its unescapable due to constant media. I did not realize I stopped watching the news, radio, etc. (But somehow, the Kardashians still creep into my secluded world!). Instead of loving and wanting to get out and experience life, I started hiding from it. I used to spontaneously get in car with friends and go on road trips, decide I wanted to see palm trees so I would buy tickets for following week to fly to wherever palm trees are, etc. I had no fear. Did getting old hinder me?

I want to fix that before my birthday next year. I now have a goal to work towards. You made a difference in someone 's life today! :)
Your story sounds so much like mine. I used to do so much more too. I wanted to travel all the time. If I get right down to it and analyze why I don't want to travel so much it's because of the people, not the traveling. I think people in general have me disenchanted. They have hurt me over and over and it is just so painful that I avoid people unless necessary.
The part I can't quite explain is why even "pleasant" social interactions leave me anxious :question:
I hope you do find yourself where the palm trees are growing within the year :)

Johnny Depp looks great don't get me wrong but I actually though he looked almost 50 in his latest movie.
Yes, I suppose even the Depp has to age. I saw a pic of him with scraggly blonde hair recently and I didn't care for it at all.