Let's raise our hands!


I feel like it's impossible to become happy once you become depressed because, every time I see happy people I get insta-depressed. It happens outside the house and inside the house, at shops, while driving car, while reading the news or just watching TV.

It seriously sucks, it makes me very jealous and sad/frustrated that I can't be like them even though I feel like I deserve it more than they do for all the **** the happy people have brought upon us to get there(to happiness).

I'm not angry at them nor blaming them, but it really makes you feel worthless and pathetic, no?

Raise your hand if you feel the same way?


(random confession)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel like it's impossible to become happy once you become depressed because, every time I see happy people I get insta-depressed. It happens outside the house and inside the house, at shops, while driving car, while reading the news or just watching TV.

It seriously sucks, it makes me very jealous and sad/frustrated that I can't be like them even though I feel like I deserve it more than they do for all the **** the happy people have brought upon us to get there(to happiness).

I'm not angry at them nor blaming them, but it really makes you feel worthless and pathetic, no?

Raise your hand if you feel the same way


(random confession)

Yeah, I feel the same way. That's why I seriously regret joining Facebook.


I haven't done that, because I know what it would do to me and well it's pretty natural for me to avoid things like that.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I haven't done that, because I know what it would do to me and well it's pretty natural for me to avoid things like that.

Wise choice there, Reni. Facebook is quite depressing - especially if, like me, you struggle with making friends and keeping in touch with people. That's said, I've been avoid Facebook since joining because most of the Friend Requests I get are from people I went to school with, and school wasn't all that great for me.

I guess I'm just envious.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know how you feel. I tend to feel this way most of the time. But then again, sometimes I like seeing happy people too. And sometimes that happiness rubs off on me :)

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
I used to feel that way, but I'm growing out of it, once I realize seeing someone genuinely happy gives me hope.

But yeah, getting happy again after falling down to depression is tough. I like my terrible analogy of depression being like stepping in fresh dog **** during a nice walk.

Takes forever to get it out of your boots, but it's worth the effort.


Well-known member
It used to bother me, but I've seen so many happy people that now I'm just used to it. I understand that most people are different than me and I've accepted that fact. Jealousy only hurts you because it makes you feel bad.

It helps to find internal happiness. Like for instance, if someone else wouldn't be happy in your situation, it doesn't mean you can't be happy in that same situation. Try to enjoy the small positive things in your life instead of focusing on the negative things.