less than graceful exits


Well-known member
When I moved across the country, I gave my best friend my record collection and a bunch of other stuff I knew he had been eyeing when he would visit. But I didn't tell him I was moving. I'm terrible at good byes. He didn't find out until another friend of ours saw my Facebook status and told him about it.

I once walked out on a job without telling anybody only to come back the next day because I got scared of being unemployed. It took 2 hours for me to realize that coming back was a mistake. So, I walked out again at lunch and never returned.

I've been known to just disappear from social functions because I don't want the attention on me when I leave early.


Well-known member
There was another course I did. Myers Briggs stuff. After morning tea the facilitator asked us to form into small groups, and there was butchers paper and pens. I fled in panic.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I was a counsellor at a summer camp about ten years ago, and two weeks in, I went AWOL. We were all down by the beach when I realized things weren’t getting any easier, so I slipped away, snuck back to the guy’s barracks, packed my stuff, threw it in my car and hit the road.


Well-known member
My last day of school, there was a farwell ceremony in the auditorium. I was supposed to give my art teacher a gift. I didn't show up, I hid in the garage at home. My mum went to the farewell, and was surprised I wasn't present. I hated that school it did so much damage to me, it was kind of liberating to boycott the farwell, and give my school the one fingered salute.


Well-known member
When I was around 19, me and a lot of others in my age group got to work for the government for summer as non intern, paid employees. At the end of summer when we were all about to go back to school, the division that I worked in announced they were giving out awards and that I had been chosen the top employee of that summer (they had a more professional name for it but I have since forgotten). Anyway, when my boss told me I was chosen and that I would be presented an award in front of everyone, my anxiety kicked in to high gear as I thought I was going to also have to give an acceptance speech. I told him I appreciated it but that I had a doctor's appointment for the day they scheduled the award and probably would not be able to accept in person. I was actually hoping they would choose somebody else since I couldn't be there. Well the day came and I stayed home. I won the award but some of the other students who were working were talking about how ironic it was that the so-called top employee called in on the day he was supposed to be acknowledged for being reliable.
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