Laptop stolen

Well-known member
So Friday my laptop was stolen from my friends apartment. She's in drug housing but I wanted to see her, she begged me to come watch movies on my laptop. She told me she had this guy over and vouched for him. During the night I passed out and he took my laptop to sell for drugs. I called the police later and the cop got ahold of him and he gave him his full name and address I didn't know why then he said that I sold it to him for 150$ and that my friend witnessed it. At this point my friend (her ex gf) and I were like "Ohhhh myyyy goddddd- she was in on it" She was my best friend for almost 3 years and she sold my laptop for meth. Crazy, for a while they had my thinking I really did sell it and I don't like being made out to be more mentally unstable than I already am. The cop said that if she's backing him sense she was the only other person then I wont get it back, but yesterday the person they tried selling it too contacted me and said he knew it was stolen so he didn't buy it. The guy that took it told the cop I can buy it back, probably because he knew he was stuck with a laptop with so many passwords just to get into it lol. Anyways, the buyer said he threatened him yesterday not to say anything and that he'll witness for me that it was stolen. Morons.


Staff member
I've had friends who got into heavy drugs, it's shocking how they take advantage for a hit. You have my sympathies. Sounded like a set up, I hope she can get off that crap, it's no way to exist.

Well-known member
Yeah, but... unforgivable. Idc bout the material. It's the betrayal, and she wasn't even high at the time. I went and asked her to her face if she stole it and could read her asnd she walked away. She and her partner deserve what they get today lol.


not actually Fiona Apple
Addictions can take control of people and make them do things crazy and horrible things. It's not an excuse and make it okay, but that's why, their priorities are all thrown out of whack because of their need for whatever they need, in your friends case meth.

Well-known member
I guess, idk. She can't use the "i needed it" or "I couldn't help it" this time because she knew she was stealing from me. a lot of people have been like "well look at it from her pov" but there is no her pov, I'm the victim and she's turned it into she's the victim lol. She's always been like that, can turn anything into all about her in 2 seconds.


Well-known member
Yeah. In the addicts mind, it's like every opportunity to use is like a free vacation to the moon. Lol, how can you pass that up
I've been where your friend has before, and I always made it a point to never steal from friends or family, and I never did. So yeah the addiction and desire for a fix is overwhelming, but stealing can be avoided. Some people just don't care who they steal or hurt from. Just be careful what you give her access to in the future. She may be a best friend, but an addict will steal from their own mother if they want to. Just be careful is all i'm saying. You don't have to end the friendship over this, but of course its up to you and everyone is different with these kinds of things.

Good luck!

Well-known member
Well, after this it's hard to still be friends. She's given me a reason to do what I've wanted to do. Withdraw from her. No one should have the learn the lesson not to trust your best friend, it's just unacceptable is all. lol.
Well, after this it's hard to still be friends. She's given me a reason to do what I've wanted to do. Withdraw from her. No one should have the learn the lesson not to trust your best friend, it's just unacceptable is all. lol.

I agree completely. You shouldn't have to not trust your best friend. They're a best friend for a reason. She knows damn well what she's doing, and shes going to have to suffer the consequences of losing friends.


Well-known member
moral of the story : NEVER hang out with meth heads or druggies you can't trust and learn:cool:


Well-known member
That is the typical story of a drug addict....I am sorry your friend would breach your trust like that but just know it is the addiction and not her. I am sure you know that already but just to reiterate. Drawing a line is necessary though....I have a friend that is an alcoholic and I love him and would do anything for him but not when he is drinking....Alcoholism and addiction transform you into someone your not and it is a shame....I am very sorry to hear this story.


Well-known member
my closest friend was a heavy drug user of all sorts, and at one point he was hung up on this chick who he did drugs with. i made the mistake of letting him borrow my car and they said they were going to drive to mexico in it:confused:. i flipped out and told him to get out of the car or else i'd trash his entire neighborhood house-by-house.

well he tried to call my bluff and they drove off. i decided to go ahead and start trashing things and walked up the street to one of his buddy's house who was also a big druggie and picked up the iron-wrought park bench on his patio and hurled it into his backyard. i was about to go level their mailbox and procede down the street to cause more random damage when i saw them driving back.

he handed the car over and there was no further incident. the druggie who's park bench i hurled just left the broken thing in the backyard (thing was like 90lbs.)

it was a nice feeling to stand ground and not give in to a druggie's schemes.