just started iontophoresis.


Active member
I did a 30 minute treatment each day for about 14 days at 18V before I saw it disappear. In fact, during the treatments they will start to sweat more before stopping. It really isn't gradual. Just one day you just realize that it's working.


Well-known member
Its funny seeing everyones different routines for ionto lol! mine is home made too. using 6v batteries connected to pie dishes.

I started on 18v but the results werent that good so now I do 24v for 15mins each side..I continue treatments every day untill I see good enough results and I usually see some improvement ( up to 60% dryness) after the first 8-9 treatments..lets face it, its worth it for just a little relief lol!

I use vaseline on any cuts as they can tingle a bit and also on the water-line too on my hands...the vaseline can seem to build up on the metal pans so either replace them after a course of treatments or scrub them.

I am planning to do maintenance treatments of an hour a week after getting dryness..1/2 hour one side then switching for 1/2 hour..hopefully this will be a good top-up to maintain the dryness but if it doesnt work I will go back to everyday treatments...

thats how im doing it anyway lol! hope it works for you!
i have seen a small decrease, but they still sweat..i have done about 10 treatments with 12 volts, and ive done 3 treatments with 18 volts. 18 is very irritating to my hands but i deal with it. is there anything that you guys put in your water to help?

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
I don't know how to test it, but there are ways to test for mineral levels/content in your water. If the water you are using is lower in mineral content, the Ionto treatments won't be effective. Definitely do not use filtered water, because the way Ionto treatments work, it relies on the minerals in the water.

I have heard that some people add a bit of baking soda to the water to raise the mineral content, but I don't know if that is really effective. I also don't know how much they put in the water. Might be worth a shot though.

Remember, don't give up! Everybody does not stop sweating after the same amount of treatments. Just keep it up.
i have been doing treatments for almost over a month now & just started adding baking soda about 3 or 4 treatments ago, & its really frustrating because i have not yet to see any improvement in my sweating, i thought there was a slight decrease but not really. they still sweat about the same as they did..i dont know what else to do??

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Personally, I'd recommend changing the water for bottled stuff or some from another part of the country. It was mentioned that Badoit water (I think) that you can buy from the supermarket is supposed to be the most effective. Other than that I would change up the treatment timetable/duration and remember to reverse the polarity halfway through the session. I personally believe that ionto can work for everyone, it's just a matter of finding a way that works. Frustratingly everyone seems to be different and it can be quite a time consuming process


New member
I also made a homemade ionto machine as youtube presented. When I first started out I went for a 20 minute session (10 mins then switched polarity for another 10) in the morning and another 20 minute session before bed everyday for two weeks. By then the hands were relatively dry where I only do two sessions a week now. I also added salt to my water. I also use Drysol after ionto before bed.

Do you feel the surge of electricity when first touching the water? Also don't have your hand laying on the aluminum but rather have it just on the surface of the water. The only thing about ionto for me is my finger tips still perspire a bit which I can tolerate. Only thing that's a hassle now is using touchscreen phones when my fingers perspire
i have been doing 15 minutes on each polarity & i added salt to my water one time & it felt like it added alot of intensity & i couldnt really stand it cuz even with vaseline coating my cuts it still hurt..& yes i feel that surge when i stick my hands in..i usually have a paper towel at the bottom of the pan just so my hands dont touch the alluminum cuz i read somewhere that it hurt but i never touched it so i wouldnt know lol..but i just let my hands kinda float at the top of the water..i cant have it covering the top parts of my hand cuz its dried my skin out alot so ive been getting little cuts very easily!
Wow, definitely let me know how this works out for you. If so, I'll have to make one of these thingamabobs for myself.

I'm wishing you the best of luck with it :)
i see it works for quite a few people, unfortunately i wasnt one of those people. it did decrease my sweating but the day i stopped using it i felt like i sweated more than ever before, so if i was to use iontophoresis i would probably have to do it pretty much every day & i didnt wanna have to do that every day. but if you decide to do it i hope you have the best of luck! i have just went by to using drysol and i cant use it to often either cuz its been making my hands peel. ugh!

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
Brittany I'm sorry it hasn't worked for you :( Are you sure you've done everything to maximize the effectiveness of the treatments? ie. using different water, adding baking soda, using the highest tolerable power, using a different setup/machine, being consistent with your treatments, adding a bit of glycopyrrolate, etc.....

Increased sweating is normal when using iontophoresis, especially if you are a new user. I still see an increase in sweating for a bit before I see the effects of the treatments kicking in. I consider myself to have excessive palmar/plantar HH so if it works for me I find it hard to believe that it won't work for you. Maybe you just need to find the right setup...I'm not saying I don't believe you, maybe it really won't work for you, I'm just saying that I think most people who try iontophoresis and fail, give up too quickliy without trying to change their setup/method of use and giving it another chance. Hopefully you will give it another shot in the future, maybe using a dedicated iontophoresis device instead of the homemade setup. Either way, keep your chin up!


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone for the info in this thread. I'm planning to start ionto soon. Should I even bother seeing a doctor first? I'm thinking about just buying the Idromed machine (but it is expensive, like $500 I think). But maybe I can somehow get my insurance company to pay for some of it (or maybe that is a silly dream idea, haha).

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
In my experience doctors can't really help you. The ones I went to had never even heard of ionto, not even for it's original intended use to absorb medicine. One even looked at me like I was speaking about some form of magic or something. Only when I got as far up as the dermatologist that they even knew what I was talking about. That's the other thing I hate about this condition: doctors either can't help you or won't help you. Instead we have to resort to risking ordering drugs from abroad or spend £300-500+ on a machine that still may or may not work. It's frustrating. End rant lol


Well-known member
Try using 1/2 rainwater, river water, lake water mixed with tap to your iono mixture. This has made a world of difference for me when my iono stopped working out of town. I have 5 years experience with treatments and for me, rainwater was/is my salvation. I believe it's all about the water, not the machine. Now my hands are way too dry and I have to use moisturizer. You can read about this on one of the new threads I started. Best thing about it is that the water source is free!