I woke up alright but felt a little bad as soon as my mind started having negative flashbacks to the past. I also find myself imagining different scenarios as possible approaches to the problem. I have 2 deaths in my dad's family lately, which is a tragedy of course, but going to the funeral scares me even more. I went to my grandma's funeral and met all sorts of negative people who kept trash talking me. Last sunday, it was the same thing. I apologized to 1 relative hoping we'd make amends and set the past behind us, but next thing I know, she went behind my back and continued with her old ways! I don't regret what I did, but now at least I know I can't trust her or her lies. Now, we have an upcoming funeral, for her brother, and honestly, I don't think her brother even likes me (when he's alive) because I heard his sister tells him bad stuff about me. So, I think I should skip out on the funeral like my brother will, because we're not even close to him or his family, who apparently doesn't like me for the most part.
I make an effort to be nice, and I get shot down. Now, this pain is eating at me. I absolutely dread the next time we meet, because I know I'll get shot down again no matter what I do. Those people are so unforgiving and mean. Hearing them talk also makes me cringe.
It also makes me uncomfortable that an aunt mentioned we are all "one blood" and should stick together. I don't agree with her at all on this, but didn't want to hurt her feelings so I didn't say anything about it.
I don't want to make my dad's relatives a central part of my life. My dad look down on my mom's relatives because they didn't go to college and some of them didn't work, but honestly, I could connect better with my mom's relatives. They're more personable and approachable.
At the end of the day, I'm not looking to change anyone. I don't regret the apology, or the attempts to engage with backstabbers. I feel like I'm in grade school, but growing stronger from all the social itneractions with people. One of the reasons why I isolated myself from others is fear of social interactions, fear of getting hurt by people. As I started going out more, meeting different types of people, I get hurt but this time I'm tkaing a different approach. Rather than run away from my emotions, I want to learn to feel them, no matter how uncomfortable or how much it hurts. Be in the present moment rather than escaping from it. Learning to find comfort in discomfort. And, rather than giving up on all people after experiencing negative situations, I want to try to avoid overgeneralizing/stereotyping and tell myself that there are good people in this world who can better appreciate me.