Today, I have to face a big challenge: go visit my relatives for July 4th. 
I'm thinking of skipping it, because I have a feeling that my relatives don't actually like me. In fact, I have a bad dream about going to their house and having bad experiences. Their mom ignored me, a cousin called me a b*tch, and the 2 girls wanted to avoid me when I attempted to greet them. Then, fast forward to another dream of me and my family going to a restaurant. I woke up and started thinking, maybe we should go dining instead of visiting relatives, or go see fireworks.
Last night at TM was great, but I get a feeling I need to work more on my soft skills. I think I was perhaps looking too intensely at people to the point of staring? I remember making eye contact and then feeling a little uncomfortable, so I had to look away for a bit before looking back. Also, I think it's better to connect with people when standing a little to the side of them, rather than standing right in front, face to face. I think I should practice blinking more, looking at different places more, and using more positive body language in social interaction. I used to talk to people while being all strict and rigid, which probably made other people feel weird.
I'm thinking of skipping it, because I have a feeling that my relatives don't actually like me. In fact, I have a bad dream about going to their house and having bad experiences. Their mom ignored me, a cousin called me a b*tch, and the 2 girls wanted to avoid me when I attempted to greet them. Then, fast forward to another dream of me and my family going to a restaurant. I woke up and started thinking, maybe we should go dining instead of visiting relatives, or go see fireworks.
Last night at TM was great, but I get a feeling I need to work more on my soft skills. I think I was perhaps looking too intensely at people to the point of staring? I remember making eye contact and then feeling a little uncomfortable, so I had to look away for a bit before looking back. Also, I think it's better to connect with people when standing a little to the side of them, rather than standing right in front, face to face. I think I should practice blinking more, looking at different places more, and using more positive body language in social interaction. I used to talk to people while being all strict and rigid, which probably made other people feel weird.