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I've never used the ChatBox on here. I've thought about seeing what its like, but I never do. Something about it makes me a little anxious, but I can't put my finger on what the reason is.
I tried coconut milk for the first time today and I love it. It tastes a bit sweet and its thinner than regular milk. Mmm, I'm drinking some right now.
I've noticed some changes happening to my body since I started working out. My face has gotten a little thinner and my butt has become more lifted. My legs seem to look more toned too. There are some things that I don't really want to lose as a result of working out though, like the shape of my thighs and my bust size. I think a lot of women have those same issues, wanting to lose weight, but wanting to keep certain features too. Overall I'm glad that I decided to work out more though. Its helped me relieve some stress and its a pretty good distraction.
Tonight has been the night of The Doors for me. I've been listening to a lot of their songs. Right now I'm listening to this one that I've always liked:
The Doors Hello, I Love You - YouTube
That is great Jasmine! I find that working out helps me mentally in many ways and it is so great watching your body change. Finding muscles appear that weren't there before.
Now I'm into lifting weights which I find to feel really good. I actually like the feeling of lifting weights.
What kind of workout do you do?
I was in a classic rock mood too, I was listening to the Rolling Stones -Exile On Main Street album. So good!
The problems y'all been having ain't gonna be fixed by going to no festival. She needs to set you down and talk to you like the adult you are. Work through them issues and then go to the carnival thingy and have funnel cake together. :thumbup:
Very nice pic Jaz and funnel cake sounds awesome.
If i wasn't several states away i'd take us all 3 to go get a funnel cake!
No but seriously i think your mom is trying but it sounds like she don't wanna confront your alls differences head on. Like she would rather just go have fun and play nice which is great but youns need a heart to heart so to speak i believe.
It does seem like she is trying to tip-toe around our issues instead of addressing them head on. I can't put all of the blame on her though. I'm at fault too. I haven't exactly taken the initiative to let her know that I feel we need to have a talk, mostly because I've been feeling very angry at her and stressed out by her actions, so I've been trying to put distance between us. I'm scared of a big fight happening if we do try to confront our issues, but maybe its for the best to get our feelings out in the open.
Do what i do when I'm arguing with the old lady. We have a seat in the living room or bedroom, away from the kids and i break out the "talking pillow". Who ever has this couch pillow thing speaks their mind without losing their cool and when they're done they hand it to the other person and its their turn to speak. Sounds stupid but it keeps people calm. Nobody interrupts and you can take as long talking as you want... as long as you got that talking pillow on your lap. Give it a try. Worst case scenario it turns into a pillow fight![]()
We would interrupt and holler at each other, all under the guise of constructive criticism until i dragged out the talking pillow. It could be any lifeless object but the same idea behind it. We argue totally different now. Lots more calm and amenable.
Hmm, maybe my mom and I could use a tray of sushi as our object. When we're finished talking about everything we need to, we could eat the sushi as a kind of peace treaty. We'd get to work things out and we'd get to have some sushi too, mmm.