For a long time now I've had this weird idea that everyone is a part of this type of universal videogame. There are people far out somewhere, who remain out of sight, out of mind, and out of reach, who control the videogame, though how and why they are chosen to be the controllers is unknown. The videogame controllers have the authority over our actions and they have a widespread blueprint of the world to see how their own "players" are progressing, what the players they've created succeed at and what they fail at. Basically how their player is coming along in the videogame. The controllers are each competing against each other to see which of their players can get the highest score. I've always thought maybe this is why we get the sensation of deja-vu, because we have already reached that specific "level" of our lives in the videogame, but we didn't necessarily perform the level in the way that the controllers wanted us to, and maybe it caused the controller to "get out" on the level, like when we lose levels when playing a video game, so they had to restart the game, and we feel deja vu because we have already been through that level before. The controllers want to see how they can have us complete the level in a way that best satisfies their wishes and increases their score.
Along the way in the videogame, we meet allies and enemies. Our allies are the people the videogame controllers create who we consider to be our friends and possibly our lovers as well, and they try to help us complete certain stages of the videogame and get over obstacles that the videogame throws at us. People in our lives who we dislike, have caused us harm intentionally, or those who make our lives miserable are created by the controllers because each controller wants to beat the other, so they design players that will discourage us from doing all that we can to overcome the obstacles and who could potentially cause us to lose the videogame, or even want to exit the videogame entirely, resulting in the controller ultimately winning the videogame and earning bragging rights.
All of this sounds a bit dumb even as I'm writing it, but I've had thoughts like this ever since I was a kid. Its strange, but life is strange too.