Is it normal to hate everyone?


Well-known member
I don't know why, but I hate everyone I come in contact with and sometimes fantasize about killing them. Even people in my family and people I don't even know. Anyone else have this problem or know what's wrong with me?


Well-known member
Well I don't want to say but I have this problem too I get it from my father who has a short fuse. Just some time ago he was talking about our neighbor who refuses to fix our roof that he's antenna fell onto, so he goes on "I don't know but I feel like punching someone in their ****ing face!" I feel like I have a lot of enemies at times and just bump into a lot of ignorant ppl and when I do I just fantasize about killing them in the worse way. But I can't really help it it just gives some relief, it's a real problem and no joke at all I just know that it's obviously something I'll never do or never have to do.


Well-known member
hm, you guys might want to look into anger management books and programs... some people may also have Pure OCD

I've had a short temper too, and sometimes 'hated everyone' (okay, not everyone, just people who ticked me off) when I was going through some rough times, but not 'always'... when things calmed down, it's normal to like the person again, or at least forgive and/or move on... never had fantasies about killing people though and I think that's not healthy... maybe just try to focus on making your life better 'success is the best revenge'?

violence may only bring more violence, and anger management experts say it's better to 'nip it in the bud' if you can...
I mean, would it be worth it to go to jail and make your family/friends/close ones sad over a roof and antenna?

There are ways to learn better communication and problem-solving etc.
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Well-known member
lol I knew it was a bad idea to write that. Your right it can be a form of ocd, I have it and so does my dad a little but I think actually doing it is way different from just thinking it especially when you can't help it or it's sparked by someone else.


Well-known member
It is very normal, I also hate everyone before knowing them its just your sa if you think they think bad about you... you wouldn't like that person ah ?


Well-known member
Well, I told my therapist about thoughts like these earlier this year and I ended up being hospitalized for a week. Some people take it seriously and others don't.


Well-known member
In the long run I don't think hating is good for your health. So being a pragmatic person, and not wanting to feel sick with hatred, I aim for neutrality even with people who seriously dislike me.


Well-known member
This is a really interesting point, I wonder if we fall into a trap of thinking that we have to either like or dislike other people we meet - and maybe feel that if they dont openly like us then they must hate us. Its good to have the third choice of 'neutral'

This is my biggest battle with my anxiety. I wrote my goal as " not to be loved, or liked, but just to fit in." So neutraility is the goal for me, although it is a comfort to even feel liked.

To see people respond to my anxiety with anger and hatred, as has happened, is very hard to deal with. I do get angry too, but then I think this is my mental illness not theirs, they don't need to understand.


In the long run I don't think hating is good for your health. So being a pragmatic person, and not wanting to feel sick with hatred, I aim for neutrality even with people who seriously dislike me.


First of all, I don't really hate people who hate me, because what is the point of that? Because someone hates you you're supposed to hate them back? Nahhhh. Doesn't make sense to me. Just disregard them and move on. I've done it enough times already, it's getting easier and easier.

Second, what on earth does hate accomplish? Absolutely nothing. I suppose it may be useful for helping yourself to feel better (ie hate someone instead of missing them or something), but it will still eat at you if you let it.

That's not to say I've never felt hate. I'm just saying, I try to keep it to a minimum and avoid it whenever possible.


Staff member
Well, I told my therapist about thoughts like these earlier this year and I ended up being hospitalized for a week. Some people take it seriously and others don't.

Might be worth telling them again, to get to the root of what the problem is.


Well-known member
No its not normal to hate everyone , you are just harming yourself by doing so , you might not even realize it . People do wrong things , they are just ignorant , people can be annoying , but by being angry you are just walking in the opposite direction of being at peace .
Perhaps it's not really the stranger/person you feel strong hate for, but rather you recognize them as the source out of which your anxiety originates (even though they might not even had a hand in it at all).

I used to do this when I was younger.


Active member
i think you don't have to worry, it's a way of getting rid of your anger, release it, not by killing them of course =P umm i don't know hit a pillow or smth =)


Fantasize about killing them :confused: Seems quite serious, I can get angry a lot, but I´d never even think of killing or torturing anybody, except of beating them up..


Well-known member
That's not to say I've never felt hate. I'm just saying, I try to keep it to a minimum and avoid it whenever possible.


Hate is a strong word, there are lots of other words too...
I have a temper so I can get angry with people, or dissapointed... or maybe annoyed, if it's with the neighbours or so... Eventually it blows over and there are soo many more interesting things in the world to do or think about!!

9407, are you on any meds? Some meds can have side-effects of aggression or such too, read the list... You might wanna talk to your therapist to maybe adjust or change medication in that case?

Also, as I wrote in another thread, there has been a study where nutrition was found to influence aggression too... (eg lots of sugar, white flour, 'junk food'... made people in prisons/similar facilities more aggressive.. healthier food reduced conflicts..)

OCD can be influenced by nutrition too, there's quite some info online, and it was my experience too...


Well-known member
I dunno if its Normal or is a Problem, but im exactly like you. "I hate everyone I come in contact with and sometimes fantasize about killing them". Just to tell you you're not alone thinking like that. just a note: I dont hate animals, just ppl


Well-known member
Thanks for all the replies! My therapist currently isn't here so I'll have to wait a little while until I tell them.
I know that feeling, but that's normal, I think, when one tends to be too nervous or sensitive, considering that an excess of emotional tension is sometimes expressed through rage and hate thinking. I've fantasized sometimes in coming back to my old school to send bully's sons to Hell by using my uncle's hunting shotgun, among other things, but what would serve for? Anyway I'll die someday, no matter what I do or how I behave, so at this point I don't give a **** about anything. I've reached to a certain wise indifference to human suffering, including mine. Life is suffering from birth to death, allowing for that being alive means feeling things emotionally and physically, and among those things are always sensations and experiencies we highly dislike although we're forced to suffer them. Anyway, I've found always that dying like a kamikaze is somehow romantic and noble, maybe just because doesn't seem logical vanishing like that (romanticism is based in emotions, rather than in reason). To die with dignity like a martyr spreading revenge and rage, instead ending up in a old's people home like a wrinkle vegetable getting one's diapers dirty waiting for Death to conclude a wasted senseless life.


I would hardly think many of us would classify ourselves as 'normal'. I hardly consider myself to fall in that range. I'm an outlier, and I would imagine many of us feel the same.

Hate is strong feeling. It can make you sick. Sometimes the worst hate of all is the hate you direct toward yourself.

Even right now I feel that way. I come from a large family, and they are all downstairs right now having a nice lovely family (Canadian) thanksgiving. And I am up in my room because the thought of being down there scares the crap out of me. I panic and get dizzy if I'm in the room too long with everyone. The funny thing is that none of them feel anything but positivity towards me and they have no idea I feel that way. I've become quite adept at hiding my hate, both inwardly and outwardly focused.

Is THAT normal? Probably not. Few of our collective feelings around here are. And I don't know about many of you, but I'm not really looking to be normal. Self-hatred or not, I would rather be alone with those feelings that let them all go and just be like everyone else. That seems like giving up, in an odd sort of way.

Am I totally off base here? I'm just speaking from my own experience, but I feel like some of this might be shared around here....


Well-known member
It's normal if you're a misanthrope.
But fantasising about killing them? That's pretty deep, at most I just imagine them decomposing in ditches.