Is it just me or do i fee like absoulte **** when people..


Well-known member
talk about their social lives, what they did with their friends and talk about facebook!!!. ughh...i feel like an absolute utter loser, and dont even feel human...=(


Well-known member
I hear ya, mate.

Join in with us lot - I don't think there are many people here who even have a Facebook/MySpace/Whatever. I've got a website but it's not the same thing, I don't think.


Well-known member
Yeah. Like when people are talking about their weekend on Monday and I did nothing.

I had a Myspace, deleted it last summer. I still have a Facebook, but only a handful of friends there and they're not really my friends anyway. Having a million friends online means nothing if you can't meet them in real life and do things together.


Well-known member
talk about their social lives, what they did with their friends and talk about facebook!!!. ughh...i feel like an absolute utter loser, and dont even feel human...=(

No matter what you do in life, there are ALWAYS a bunch of people who do it better. Compare your progress to your past. Compete with yourself, not with others, or you'll never be happy.


Well-known member
yeh i know what you mean, like people after the weekend ask what did you do, i usually go not much then i ask them and usually they say oh i went to a party or something else cool
it sucks, it doesn't bother me that much but at those moment i would like to be the one to say yeh i went to a few parties...
talk about their social lives, what they did with their friends and talk about facebook!!!. ughh...i feel like an absolute utter loser, and dont even feel human...=(

Ugh, that's why I avoid people. Too much envy. I just try to be happy with imaginary friends :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I've learnt that comparing oneself to other people get's you nowhere. Individuality rocks, sheep suck!


Well-known member
God, how I hate facebook. It's the bane of my bloody existance. Yes, it does make me feel like a loser when I see people with 5 million friends.

"Hey, I got a papercut, better go update my facebook page"

"I've never met this jackass before, better add him!"

Facebook replaced my burning hatred for cellphones.

If I ever meet a girl who dosen't use facebook, I swear to God, I'm gonna propose immediately.


Well-known member
'If I ever meet a girl who dosen't use facebook, I swear to God, I'm gonna propose immediately.'

Haha, not if i get there first. I swear facebook reduced my chances of getting this girl i really liked (and who really liked me) because i always ignored her when she was online. Yeah, ok, i probably would have ignored her in RL as well... but it would have allowed me to play hard to catch better xD Oh well, what's that saying... plenty more fish on facebook hehe
Well, I don't have facebook or myspace, but I don't need any proposals lol. I do feel kinda like a loser as well around people who are talking about things they did with other people- the only parties I ever go to are the once a month or so birthday parties for a family member (I have a large family).